It's Me, Ralph

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Ciscos POV

It took a few minutes, but after the three of them left, we were able to move again. 

"Guys, what the hell just happened?" Joe asked. 

"We lost him, again," I said going over everything that just happened. 

"Not only did we lose Barry, but we lost Em and Brent as well," Wyatt said. "There goes both our brains."

"Hey," I said, a little offended.

"You know what I mean. Em is enhanced, and Brent can control minds," he said. I didn't reply. 

"Wait, so if Barry is being controlled by technology, can't we just hack it?" Ralph asked. I thought about it for a moment but then sighed.

"I hate it when your right," I said walking over to the computer. "So I found it's signature, both Barry's and Brent's, but none for Emerald."

"That's because we don't have one," Chloe pointed out. 

"If I can access Wally's, this would be a lot easier," I said trying to find a location. 

"What if he goes all crazy pants like Brent and Barry?" Joe asked. 

"Iris, go put these on him and bring him up," I said tossing some meta cuffs to her.

"What are those gonna do?" Chloe asked. 

"Other than dampening his powers, nothing," I said. "I injected him with nanotech earlier so we can knock him out if need be."

A few minutes later, Iris came back up with Wally. "I'll do whatever you need me to," Wally said.

"That's the spirit!" I said patting his shoulder. "Cait, can you try and locate it?" I asked. She nodded and Wally and her disappeared into the medical lab off the cortex.

"So what's next?" Wyatt asked.

"We need the best hacker to get into this program," I said staring at the screen. "I can't do it."

"Ok, I don't know where you've been, but Emerald is gone," Wyatt said.

"Who said I was talking about Emerald?" I said. "Let me make a call." I opened up a breach and hopped right through without filling anyone else in. 

"Is that normal?" Chloe asked.

"Pretty much," Iris said nodding her head.

A few minutes later, and after a lot of negotiating, I hopped back through the breach with my plus one.

"Everyone," I said when we got back. "Meet Felicity, the best hack in Star City." 

"And Central City. And Keystone. And Metropolis. And Gotham. And-" she said but I cut her off. 

"They get it," I said trying to hold my smile. 

"Nice to meet you," Wyatt said shaking her hand. Chloe just nodded.

"Ok, well who's ready to get hacking!" she said scurrying over to the computer. Not even five minutes later, she smiled. "Got it!" she said, proud of her work.

"Looks like Em has some competition," Chloe said to Wyatt.

"But I'm confused," Felicity said. "It shows they are both at Jitters."

"They must be underneath it," Iris said, remembering their facility was underground. 

"How do we get down there?" Ralph asked. "We can't just dig a hole in the ground, can we?"

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