Team Up

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"Look," I said walking into the room that once held my necklace captive. I held my hands up to show I came in peace. "We're all on the same side here," I said. They all looked skeptical like they couldn't trust us.

"What did you do with Barry?" a man asked. He was tall and rather lean with blonde hair.

"I,"  I said, "did nothing. The people we are trying to expose took him."

"The thing is," I heard Brent say, stepping next to me, "we underestimated them." When I looked at Brent, it looked like he was trying to avoid Ciscos gaze. After what happened, I don't blame him. The tension in here was so tight I could have cut it with a knife. 

"So," a woman said. She had looked familiar, but I couldn't pin who she was. She had red hair and caring eyes, which made me felt like I could trust her. "What actually happened?"

"How much time you got?" Wyatt asked.

"Start from the beginning," Cisco said.

"First of all, if you don't mind me asking, who are all of you?" Wyatt asked.

"I'm Iris," a pretty, dark-haired woman said. "And this is Ralph," she said pointing to the tall, lean blonde, "that's Cisco but you already know him," she said, "this is Caitlin," she said pointing to the redhead, "and this is my dad, Joe," she said pointing to the older man.

I nodded, trying to remember them. I mean, even though I didn't like any of them, especially after what they did to Barry, I still had to be nice to them. They were the only ones who could help us. 

"Well," I said, "I'm Emerald, but you already knew that. This is Brent, Wyatt, and Chloe."

They nodded and looked like they were still waiting for an explanation. "Tough crowd," I heard Chloe murmur, and I shoved her in her side. Not the time for sarcasm.

"So, what do you guys already know?" I asked. If I knew what they knew, this would go a lot easier.

"Well," Iris said, "We know about your criminal record, and that Barry helped you escape. We also know how you got your powers." I gasped at that one. I figured Barry told them to try and convince them, but it was still hard. 

"So, is it true that the government is experimenting on metahumans?" Ralph asked. The four of us nodded, ashamed that we were once their subjects. I could see some guilt and some compassion in everyone's eyes, all but Cisco. 

"How do we know this isn't just another trick? Another distraction?" Cisco snapped. I wasn't sure how I was gonna prove it to them. I felt that Brent was about to roll his sleeve up to show his scar, but then I had the best idea on how to convince them of the truth. I held him back, and I walked towards Iris. She looked a little confused as to why I was approaching her. So was everyone else, but they were intrigued as to what I was going to do.

When I stood in front of her, I felt tears fill my eyes, but being as stubborn as I am, I held them back. I reached into my pocket and felt his wedding band. I promised him I would keep it safe until he got back. That was a promise I intended to keep.

I pulled it out and when she realized what it was, she lost her breath. Some tears escaped her eyes, and she was completely frozen. 

"He would never take this off. No matter what," she said.

"Cisco, can you vibe it?" Joe asked. "See if she's telling the truth?" I looked to Cisco, who nodded. I tossed it over and he closed his eyes. After a minute, when he reopened his eyes, I knew he believed us. He tossed it back and sighed. 

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