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Justin's POV

I walked away, until I saw the van that I bought. I brought an ordinary van with us so that people won't know that Justin Bieber was inside the van.

I sat and I thought of that annoying fag. He's only one who dared to talk to me like that, I know lots of people talk shit about me, but he's one of those few people who did it to me face to face, considering he's a gay. I don't hate gays but he pushed me to the limit. He'll get a payback. I will make sure he'll regret what he did.

I grabbed my phone and called Austin. He's just around NY, so he can join me in my gig.

"Hey Austy, wanna join me for my mini gig?" I said.

"New York city?, Sure bud." Austin replied.

"You should be here tomorrow by 5PM" I informed him. He agreed then I hung up.



Trent's POV

"Wake up girl!" A voice said, it was Luke. I turned around then a pillow hit my face. Danielle giggled.

"I have a surprise for you, but since you hit me with a pillow, I'll just forget it." I said then buried my face on the pillow.

"Hey what's that?" Luke said pushing me to turn me over now I was laying on my back. I shook my head no. Then he sat on my stomach.

"Ughhh, I can't breathe!, Get off me!" I said under my breath.

"You're gonna tell us or not?" He said giggling while putting more of his weight on me.

"Alright, alright I'll tell you! Now get off of my stomach!" I said. Then Luke stood up.

"Okay, I have four tickets to Justin Bieber's mini gig later tonight, it's a secret coz' it's only for free" I added. And guess what? Danielle was very happy. Childlike happy.

"Where's Dayana?" I asked, sitting up.

"She's still in her apartment." Luke said. Then he sat on the bed.

"And how did you guys get in here?" I asked curious.

"You forgot to lock your door" Danielle said.

"Oh gosh" I panicked, but relaxed soon. Luke and Danielle assured me that nothing's missing.

"Where did you get the tickets anyway?" Luke asked.

"From Sabrina" I replied then I stood up to fix my bed.

"Oh, Sabrina girl, she's really an angel" Danielle commented. I rolled my eyes and chuckled at Danielle's 'Bieber Fever', it's really worse.

I then told Luke to give Dayana her ticket, then they left.

-7:00 PM.-

We went to the club where Justin will have his 'secret' gig. I saw Austin Mahone on the platform, what is he doing here? Oh, he's really handsome. I smiled.

We looked for seats and sat. Danielle and Sabrina we're singing along to his songs. And the three of us, Dayana, Luke and me, just chatted. I noticed Justin stared at me. His stare scares me, I maybe right, he's planning to exact a revenge on me.

Justin's POV

I went onstage and started to sing with Austin. I can hear my adorable Beliebers singing along with us then I found him. Hahaha, there you are. Going here to my gig is the biggest mistake you've ever done.

We were done with the gig and we went backstage. Two lovely ladies came to me for an autograph and pictures. They look same age as me.

"Oh my God, Justin you are so awesome, can we have a picture please?" The brunette one said.

"Sure, anything for ya' lovely ladies" I smiled and took her phone to take a picture with the two.

"Justin, can you please sign on the back of my phone?" The girl with the black hair said. I signed it and smiled. My Beliebers are just so awesome. They made my day.

Now's the time for payback. I walked going to the parking lot and went inside my van and looked at the window.

"There he is!" I told my big bodyguard. He followed the brown haired fag then I saw my bodyguard grab him in his shoulder and slapped him. My bodyguard pulled his brown hair and dragged him inside the van. This will be fun.

Trent's POV

The gig was done, Danielle and Sabrina went backstage to meet Justin, I can't believe these two acts like 12 years old. Then me, Luke and Dayana went outside to wait for them. Then my phone rang.

"Guys, you can go ahead. I'll meet you at my apartment." I waved goodbye and went to the parking lot.

I was about to answer the call when someone grabbed my shoulder and turned me around to face him, I dropped my phone.

"Hey, what's your-" A big black guy slapped me hard. It stings. Then he pulled my hair and dragged me into a van. Then they started driving.

They ripped my clothes off, leaving me in just my boxers, I tried to fight back but they're too strong. I heard a laugh from the front seat, I can't be wrong, it's Justin Bieber! Then I was thrown outside.

I tried to cover myself and hide, then I noticed that I was at a park, where I met Carlton. I walked around looking for a place to hide. This is great, I am almost naked and I lost my phone at the parking lot. What could be more better than this? Note my sarcasm. Then I saw Carlton walking towards me.

"What are you going to do?" I said, scared. Please not now Carlton.

"What happened to you Trent?" He asked, in a worried tone. What the?

"Why does it concern you? You want this right? Now you saw my body, you happy?" I angrily said.

He removed his jacket and he put it on me. I was surprised by his action. Then he grabbed my hand and called a taxi.

"Thanks" I said. He did not reply.

The ride throughout was quiet. It was awkward. He was different, it was like he wasn't the Carlton I met at the park and at the Mcdonalds.

Then we stopped got out of the taxi.

"Take me to my apartment, please" I said.

"No, you're gonna go home naked with a red mark on your cheek? Your friends will be worried for you." He said, pushing me inside his house.

He treated my bruise, and gave me clothes. I looked at his eyes. He's a nice guy after all.

"Look, I'm sorry for what I did to you these past days, It's just..." He explained.

"It's okay, I forgive you" I cut him off. He smiled.

We chatted and he kept on explaining why he did those things to me, and I believed him. He could easily rape me at this moment if he wanted to, but he never did. He applied a concealer on my bruise then we went outside the house.

He called a taxi and accompanied me on the way back to my apartment, I thanked him then I waved goodbye as soon as I got out of the taxi.


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