6. Speaking with Gordon

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"They all say dreams come true. But they forgot to mention that nightmares are dreams too" 

 But they forgot to mention that nightmares are dreams too" 

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When they got home, Alfred opened the door, "Hey Bruce, do you want to do something?" Kira asked but Bruce didn't answer, he just walked into the living room.

"Give him time Miss Wayne" Alfred said and Kira looked at him "He just watch his parents get murdered" Alfred said, "They were my parents too" Kira said and walked up to her room.


Early the next morning, Kira woke up to someone knocking on her window, she got up and saw that is was Jerome.

She walked over and opened the window. Jerome crawled in and he looked at Kira "My parents are dead, they got mudret in an alley, that was why Alfred knocked on the door yesterday" Kira said and looked down "I am so sorry" Jerome said and he was about to say something else but Kira cut him off, "Don't be, I am glad my dad is dead and I don't care about my mother, now when my father is gone we can finally get out of here" she said and Jerome nodded "When we both turn 18 we are out of here and we don't look back" Kira said and Jerome smiled "Yeah" he said with a nod. 

"MISS WAYNE, THERE IS SOMEONE HERE WHO WANT TO SPEAK TO YOU" Alfred yelled from downstairs "COMING" she yelled back.

She looked back at Jerome, "Don't worry, I will be here when you come back" he said, Kira smiled before walking out the door and closed it behind her, she walked down the stairs and saw James Gordon.

"James Gordon, what are you doing here?" Kira asked as she came down the stairs, "I want to speak to you, if that is alright" he said and Kira nodded "Okay" she said, "Where do you want to speak, in your room maybe?" Gordon asked and Kira shook her head "No, not my room, it's messy" Kira said, thinking about that Jerome was up there "But we can talk in the living room" Kira said and Gordon nodded. 

They went in to the living room and sat down, so they were facing each other "What is it that you wanted to speak to me about?" Kira asked "I wanted to ask you why you where not in theater with your family?" Jim asked "Like I said, I was busy with homework" she said, "When is homework more important than family?" Jim asked, "Well, that day it was" Kira said. Jim looked at her and that is when he noticed the blue around her eye "How did you get that black eye?" he asked and pointed on her eye "Just someone at school, no big deal" Kira said, "Are you sure, you can talk to me" Jim said and Kira looked at him "Wait, hold on, I see where this is going. You think I was the one that killed my parents" Kira said, Jim didn't say anything, he just looked at her.

Kira got up "Listen here Gordon. I have nothing to do with the death of my parents, yes my father and I often argue, but I would never kill him" Kira said and Jim got up too "I am sorry, Ki..." he said, but Kira cut him off "Catch the one that did it, and then I will consider accept your apology" she said and walked out of the living room. 

She walked up to her room, and closed the door behind her.

Jerome got up from the bed "Who was it?" he asked "It was James Gordon from the GCPD, he wanted to asked if I knew something about my parents 's death, he thinks I know something" she said.

"I hate the police" she finished and Jerome walked closer to her "I hate them too" he said before they looked at each other and smiled. 

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