15. The attack at the police station

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"All heroes are broken beyond repair. All villains are just heros who chose truth over dare"

 All villains are just heros who chose truth over dare"

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Theo's next plan was to attack the GCPD, he sent Jerome, Greenwood and Kira out to attack the place, some of his men will be there to help them.

"So what do you think, beautiful?" Jerome asked, as he had taken the police uniform on.

Kira who had her Shadowkiller outfit on looked at him, "If all cops looked as handsome as you, I wouldn't mind being put in handcuffs" Kira said and Jerome smiled "We can do that when we get back" he said and winked to her which made her smile "It sounds like a plan" she said. 


Theo had somehow gotten two police cars. "You all know what to do?" Theo asked as they all stood by the cars "Yeah I will lure Jim out of the station" Barbara said and Theo nodded "The rest of you will attack the GCPD" he said and they all nodded "And Aaron, don't kill Jim Gordon. I need him for my plans in the future, just knock him out and that will be enough" Theo said and Aaron nodded. Theo looked at The Shadowkiller, Jerome was the only one who knew who she was under the mask. "Shadowkiller" Theo said and she looked at him "You know that you can't go in there with the others" Theo said, "I know I will be recognized" Kira said, "Do you know how to get in without getting caught?" Theo asked, "I am the shadow and darkness myself, I can get in anywhere without being discovered" she said and Theo nodded "Good, let's go then" he said.

Theo's most loyal and trusted henchman drove Kira, Jerome, Greenwood, Barbara and Aaron to the GCPD.

As they were few bloks away, they stopped so no one would see Barbara walking out of the police car, Aaron followed her. Jerome and the others walked in, while Kira ran to the left to find another way in.

It was so busy at the GCPD that no one them bothered giving Jerome and the others a second look. "I need to talk to Commissioner Essen right away" Jerome said with an accent as he walked past a man at the desk, and continued walking up the small stairs "It's an emergency" he said, the men by the desk pointed up to a office.

Jerome walked up and enter the office, "Yeah" Sarah Essen said as Jerome knock on her window, she looked up, but before she could reach for her gun, Kira stood behind Essen, she grabbed her and hold one of her swords in front of her throat "You just stay put and don't do anything stupid" she said with a deep voice.

Suddenly one of Theo's men threw a smoke grenade and it explode, and Greenwood and Theo's men started shooting at the real cops, Jerome smiled as the shooting began.


After a few minutes, the smoke started to disappear and you could see that the whole room was full of dead cops. None of them were from the group.

Kira tied Essen to a chair, "Get the camera Greenwood" Jerome told him and he walked towards a bag to get it as Kira finished tied Essen.

"Done, she is not going anywhere" Kira said, as she was done tying Sarah, Jerome looked at her and Kira walked up on top of a few desks he had put together to join him "You properly already heard about my girl Miss Shadowkiller: Death form the Darkness" Jerome said, Essen looked at her and nodded, "Of course, she know me, I am the most wanted person in Gotham, I have murdered more cops than they have arrested people" Kira said and Jerome laughed.

Two maniacs in Love. Book 1: The taste of blood and killing.  (Jerome Valeska 1)Where stories live. Discover now