28. The main event

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"My dark days made me strong. Or maybe I was already strong, and they made me prove it"

 Or maybe I was already strong, and they made me prove it"

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"You all know why you are here. Here comes Kira and Jerome" Robin announced to the crowd in front of her.

Everyone clapped as soon as Kira and Jerome walked into the arena. Jerome turned his back to them, bend down and slapped his own ass while Kira bowed before the audience. Jerome took the microphone up to his mouth "Hear ye, hear ye, gather round. The show is about to... begin!" he said and everyone was cheering.

When everyone stopped, a guy kept jumping and yelling for the crowd to continue cheering. Kira and Jerome looked at each other, Kira rolled her eyes, pulled up her knife and throw it towards the boy, the knife hit him right in the back of his head, he felled forward with a yell and someone took his body away. "Shut up" Jerome shouted into the microphone, causing everyone to laugh. "That's better" Kira said. 

Jerome looked at her and gave her a quick kiss. He then turned back to the audience with a big smile. "Well, I think we can all agree tonight was a rousing success. We brought this miserable city to its knees" he said and the crowd clapped, Jerome jumped on top of a small stage "So, how to thank the best darn cult of fanatics a messiah like my beautiful queen Kira and myself could ever hope for? I give you..." Jerome said and pointed towards the drapes behind him, but the two boys were laughing instead of opening the drapes.

"Cue" Jerome said, Robin rolled her eyes and walked over to the two boys, as she walked past them, she gave them both a quick slap on the back of the head "Idiots" she said, and opened the drapes with the help of the two boys. A man pushed the small poll to which Bruce was tied up to. Everyone cheered as they saw him. "I give you the climax of our festivities. The billionaire prince of Gotham.... Bruuuuce.... Wayne!" Jerome introduced and the crowd jeering.

Jerome walked over to Bruce "Well, so what do you say, Bruce? Shall we end the night with a bang? Or better yet... a boom" Jerome said and looked at the crowd.

A cannon was pushed towards them and pointed at Bruce, while Jerome went to get the big ball for the cannon, Kira walked over to Bruce "Why are you doing this?" he aksed "Because I want to" she answered "Why are you even with Jerome? Why are you on his side? He is a villain" Bruce said "He is not in my stroy" she said.

"Say hello to our parents for me and say thanks to our father for making me like this" she said and Bruce looked at her "They love you, just as they love me" he said and Kira smiled "I don't believe that, our father didn't love me, why would he beat and abused me if he love me, and our mother and you didn't do a thing, so no they don't love me..." she said and was about to say something else, but Bruce cut her off "I love you" he said causing Kira's eyes to widened "I love you sis and I care about you. And I will not stop trying to save you, until I have you back and you are yourself again, and I can have my big sister back again" Bruce said.

A part of her wanted to say that she love him too and cut him lose, but most of her, her true self stopped her, she looked down, then back at Bruce.

"Then it will all be in vain, because you can't change who I am, no one can, this is who I am, how many times shall I have to tell you" she said, "I don't believe that" Bruce said, "I don't care what you believe, If you really love me, you have to let me go and accept who I am and don't try to change me or anything else, that is what people do for the one they care about, and since you don't accept that, you really do what is best for you, and you want me to become the one I was when you were little, because that is what you want and it will make you happy, and that means you don't love me enough, to accept the one I am" Kira said, "That is not true, I know that this is not who you want to be, you blamed our dad and the past for what happen to you, but you have to let the past go so that..." Bruce said, but got cut off "You know what I will not listen to you anymore brother, you can save that talk to our parents when you see them again soon" she said with a evil smile before she turned around and was about to walk away. "I love you sis, I hope you know that, and no matter what, I will always love you, because you are my big sister, you are my family" Bruce said and Kira stopped. 

She stood still for a few seconds, while looking down on the ground, a single tear felled from her eye, but then she took a deep breath, wipe the tear away and walked away from Bruce.

Jerome put the ball inside the cannon "What's next?" he asked and Robin walked over to him "Try this, I love this" she said and passed him a red bucket, Jerome pick up one of the knives from inside the bucket "Death by a thousand cuts, very poetic, Like that idea" Jerome said and looked at Robin "I like you" he said and dropped all the knives inside of the cannon.

A boy gave him another bucket. that one was full of nails. Jerome showed them to Bruce before dropping everything inside of the cannon.

Then Jerome took Kira's hand and they walked in front of the crowd "All right, folks. This is very important. Whatever you do, please, definitely try that at home" Jerome said "Preferably on a family member" Kira said looking at Bruce and the crowd laugh.

Jerome and Kira climb on the top of the cannon, Kira sat behind Jerome.

But then three shots were fired out of nowhere. Kira looked back and saw Jim Gordon with Alfred and Bullock "Detective Gordon, you're just in time for the big finish" Jerome said "Nobody move!" a officer yelled and the strike force came into the arena, Jerome and Kira got off the cannon. Jerome light up the string attached to the cannon and both Jerome and Kira waved at Bruce one last time before they ran away from the cover.

Kira looked around to spot Robin, then she saw her laying on the ground with a cop pointed a gun at her, Kira stepped away form Jerome and ran over to save Robin, the cop was about to pulled the trigger, but then Kira cut the cop's throat opened, the cop felled on the floor and was dead, Kira then help Robin up.

Suddenly the cannon went off, and Kira looked towards it, but she saw that Bruce was not there and Jerome was gone too. Kira looked around to spot them, but she couldn't see Bruce or Jerome, "We have to find them" Robin said, Kira nodded and they ran off to find Jerome.


Kira ran through the circus to find Jerome while her and Robin killed everyone that try to stop them. 

"WATCH OUT" Kira heard Jim shout and she ran towards the voice.

She stopped when she saw Jim punch Jerome in the face, so his face flew off and land on the puddle just a few meters away. "NO" Kira shouted, Robin got angry and she pulled out a smoke grenade and throw it towards Jim, Alfred and Bruce, the grenade went off and the whole area around Jerome and Jim, went up in smoke.

Kira and Robin ran over to Jerome and Kira kneeled next to him, "Jerome" she said and Jerome looked at her "Leave me" he said and Kira shook her head "NO" she said, "Yes, Robin told me what you told her about Arkham, that is was a nightmare, I can't let you go through the same again, don't worry I will escape again, but now you have to leave Gotham" Jerome said and Kira looked at him "I will not leave you" she said, "You shall, don't worry, we will be together again, but now you must leave Gotham, and come back when the time is right. Take Robin and leave Gotham, she is the only one I trust enough to know that she will not betray you" Jerome said and Robin and Kira looked at each other before Kira looked back at Jerome.

Robin looked around "The smoke is about to disappear" she said and looked at Kira "Kira we need to go know, if we don't want to get caught" she said and Jerome looked at Kira "GO now, you will know when it time to return, but now you must go" Jerome said, Kira had tears in her eyes, "I will come back. I promise" she said and Jerome smiled "I know you will" he said, Kira smiled and kissed Jerome.

She pulled away and looked at him "I love you" she said, "I love you too" Jerome said, Kira got up, Robin grabbed her and in one second they were gone.

A/N: The next chapter will be the last in the first book. Vote or comment.

Two maniacs in Love. Book 1: The taste of blood and killing.  (Jerome Valeska 1)Where stories live. Discover now