16. Your legacy will be death and madness

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"No matter how much it hurts now, someday you will look back and realize your struggles changed your life for the better" 


Theo's plan was that Tabitha and Jerome would go to visit Jerome's father Cicero at his apartment and make it look like he broke Jerome out of Arkham.


Cicero enter his apartment, he closed his door and walked further in. Cicero was blind and could therefore not see Tabitha who he walked past by.

Suddenly he stopped "Who's there?" he asked, no one answered.

"I know someone's there" he said, and suddenly Tabitha wrapped her whip around Cicero's throat.

Jerome walked out of the shadow "Hiya, Pops" he said and walked closer to him "Long time no see" he said and laughed evilly.


Jerome grabbed Cicero a chair. He strapped an old piece of cloth around Cicero's mouth, and push him down on the chair, Jerome then grabbed another chair and sat down in front of him while Tabitha stood next to him.

"So, how you doing?" Jerome asked his father, but Cicero didn't answer, because his mouth was covered "Ah, the silent treatment, eh? Here, I'll tell you a story" Jerome said and thought about something. "Ah" he said lifted his finger "You remember Kansas City, Dad? The circus went through town every spring right around my birthday. There was this guy. Him and my mom used to drink and fornicate and beat the crap out of me. They would make a whole night out of it" he said, Tabitha rolled her eyes, turned around and walked over to the refrigerator before opened it to look after some food.

"And I remember one time" Jerome said and got up from the chair "It was my ninth birthday. Him and my mom had just finished round one of boozing, boning, beating up Jerome, and were deciding to take a little break" Jerome said before turning around and pick up a knife "Anyway. I was outside the trailer and you were there. And you said, 'Why are you crying, Jerome?' 'It's my birthday, and my mom and the snake guy are beating me' and you said, 'This world doesn't care about you or anyone else, Jerome. Better to realize that now'" Jerome said and looked at his father with a smile "And that was it" he said and stepped closer to his father.

"Well, you see, there's this guy, Dad. He believes in me. He thinks I'm gonna be a star. And tonight, all of Gotham will see that, too. Except for you, 'cause you'll be you know, dead" Jerome said and took the cloth from Cicero's mouth "Jerome--" Cicero said trying to appeal to Jerome's conscience.

"Oh, is this the part where you say how sorry you are? Hmm?" Jerome asked furiously while pointed the knife at his father's throat "How you should have believed in me? How it's not too late to start again? News flash, Dad, it's too late" Jerome said "You don't have to do this" Cicero said, "No. I'm pretty sure I do" Jerome said and smiled "I was a bad a father. But I did love you. To kill me for that--" Cicero said, but got cut off by Jerome that started laughing hysterically "That's not why I'm gonna kill you" he said before he walked towards a table and began grabbing the plans they had to blame Cicero for the Arkham break-out. Jerome pulled out a map from the bag "Plans to Arkham Asylum" he said and dropped it on the floor.

He pulled out some letters "And look at these" Jerome said and looked at him, he then remembered that Cicero was blind, he walked towards him and hit the letters on his father's forehead "Letters between you and your troubled son. Innocent at first glance but Detective Gordon-- You remember him, right? He'll feel little bumps, a secret message written in braille between you and your son discussing my escape" Jerome said and throw the letter up in the air.

Jerome then picked up a little can from the table very carefully in his hand "Finally, the knockout gas you bought from my girlfriend The Shadowkiller. The gas you used to disable the orderlies" he said and put the can on the table before he pointed the knife on his father "'Cause you see, Dad" he said, pick up a chair, put it closer to his father and sat down again "This guy I was telling you about, he's the one who broke me out of Arkham with my girlfriend's help of course. That guy doesn't want anyone to know about that, obviously. So, the police will find these letters. Hmm. They'll think, 'The blind old fool really loved his son. What a wonderful father' There won't be a dry eye in the house" Jerome said and clean his tears from his eyes using his father's tie.

"They'll never believe it" Cicero said "Ah, sure they will. Cops are dumb" Jerome said with a smile "There's nothing to eat in this dump. Finish up and let's go" Tabitha said from behind Jerome "Sorry you're gonna miss my big night, Dad" Jerome said and got up form the chair "But, hey, you're psychic" he said and leaned closer to his father's face "So tell me, do I kill?" Jerome asked "You will be a cures upon Gotham. Children will wake from sleep, screaming at the thought of you. Your legacy will be death and madness" Cicero said, Jerome leaned closer to his father's ear and laughed.

Jerome then looked at him "Well, say hi to Mom for me" he said and was about to stab Cicero, but then someone knock on the door. Jerome covered Cicero's mouth with one hand and motioned for him to be quiet with the other hand.

"GCPD" Jim said from outside, he knock again "GCPD, Mr. Cicero, it's Detective Gordon. We need to speak with you about you son" Jim said, no one answers "Mr. Cicero?" Jim asked again.
Suddenly they heard Cicero grunted "Mr. Cicero?" Jim said pulled out his gun and kick the door in.

Both Bullock and Jim pointed their gun inside the apartment and they saw Cicero sitting on the chair dead, with a knife through his eye.

Jim and Bullock enter the apartment and they saw a opened window "Harvey. Window" Jim said and ran over to the opened window. Bullock walked over to Cicero's body and he removed the hand, but when he did that, the can under Cicero's hand opened and the knockout gas sprayed up in Bullock's face, "Harvey" Jim said, took a cloth over his own mouth and ran over to Bullock.

Bullock was knock out and was about to fell to the floor, but Jim grabbed him and dragged him outside, Jim had to use both his hands to pull Bullock out and he inhaled some of the knockout gas.

As they were out, Jim felled to the floor.

Suddenly Jerome came walking towards him while he whistle "Detective Gordon, old pal, that gas sure packs a wallop, huh?" Jerome asked, Jim wanted to pointed the gun at him, but Jerome grabbed his arm and took the gun "That's cute" Jerome said, but then Jim gathered all of his remaining strength and threw himself at Jerome and try to choke him "I'm sensing anger" Jerome said "You killed Sarah Essen, now I'm gonna kill you" Jim said, Jerome chuckled and pointed the gun at him.

"Don't shoot him" Tabitha said and Jim looked towards Tabitha, but then Jerome knock him down on the floor with the gun. "How about a little flesh wound?" Jerome said and got up "No, no. My dibs" Tabitha said and kicked Jim in the head with her heel of her shoe and Jim felled on the side unconscious before both Jerome and Tabitha left the building.

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Two maniacs in Love. Book 1: The taste of blood and killing.  (Jerome Valeska 1)Where stories live. Discover now