17. Of with the mask

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"One of the hardest things to say in life are Hello for the first time and Goodbye for the last"


Jerome walked into his room and he saw that Kira was packing.

"What are you doing?" he asked, "I am packing" she answered, "Why?" Jerome asked as he closed the door and Kira looked at him "Because we are both 18 now, so we are getting the hell out of this city. That house we were talking about, I bought it, and now we can get out of here and start a new life together far away from anything" she said. 

Jerome walked closer to her "But there is a party tonight, a party we're gonna destroy, and your little brother Bruce is gonna be there and we are going to kill him, just like Theo explained" he said, Kira stood with her back to Jerome and looked down at the suitcase, she didn't want to admit it, but a part of her didn't want her brother dead.

She turned around and looked at Jerome "I don't trust Theo, and I just want the two of us to run away together, just as we have plan for years" she said and Jerome put his hands on her chin "Listen, I want to run away with you and be with you more than anything, but we must follow Theo's plan and then after tonight we are done and the first thing we are doing tomorrow is pack our bags and get out of this city and live our life in that house together" he said and Kira looked at him "You promise" she said and Jerome smiled "I promise" he said, Kira smiled and kissed him.

She pulled away and looked at him, "If anything shall go after the plan, you must learn how to throw knives" she said and Jerome nodded "And I can only learn from the best" he said and looked at her, "If you shall learn how to throw knives you shall have a target" she said and took some steps away from Jerome. She looked at him as she walked backwards towards the door, "Where are you going?" he asked and Kira smiled "Close your eyes" she said, Jerome smiled and closed his eyes. He heard the door opened and after a few minutes, the door closed again. "Now you can open them" Kira said, Jerome opened his eyes and saw a man with tape over his mouth and bandage over his eyes.

"Who is that?" Jerome asked and Kira rolled her shoulders "I don't know who he is, but now he is your target" Kira said and tied the man to the chair, she put an appel on the top of the man's head, she then walked over and stood next to Jerome before she opened a bag that was full with knives, she pick up one and turned it up side down, so she was holding the sharp end.

"There are many ways to throw a knife. And there are also some rules when you shall throw one. Your first rule is, when you are holding the knife, hold the sharp end before you throw it, because then you will have a bigger opportunity to hit the target right, then you clean your mind and only think about what you want to hit, ignore anything that's happens around you and only focus on hitting your target, like this" Kira said before she threw the knife and hit the appel, Jerome clapped with a smile, Kira walked over and took the knife out of the apple, she then put the apple back on the man's head.

She walked back to Jerome and handed him the knife, "Here you try" she said, Jerome took the knife and hold on the sharp end, he pointed on the apple, Kira put her left hand on that arm where he was holding the knife, "Point a little higher" Kira said, and lifted Jerome's arm a little higher "The knife will automatic flew lower and hit your target" Kira said and let got of Jerome's arm. 

Jerome throw the knife and hit the apple causing Kira to smile, "Good, and on your first try" she said and Jerome looked at her, "Let's try again" he said and pick up another knife from the bag, Kira smiled and also pick up another knife from the bag "Let's say, that if you hit him in the head you get 50 points, and if you hit him in the heat 40, and the rest of his body 10" Kira said and Jerome nodded "Okay, but let's make it harder" he said, walked over to the man, took the rope off and pulled him up "You just stay still, no running" Jerome said and clapped the man on his chin, he nodded "Good boy" Jerome said, walked back to Kira and took a knife, "Let the game begin" he said and Kira smiled.

Two maniacs in Love. Book 1: The taste of blood and killing.  (Jerome Valeska 1)Where stories live. Discover now