Chapter 1

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I took a deep breath, trying to detect anything dangerous besides the scent of my prey before I carefully peered around the clearing in the forest. I was carefully using a large fallen tree as cover to hide my silver fur as I approached my prey, my four paws allowing me to move silently in the damp grass. After a few moments I was satisfied that the deer drinking from a small pond was the only animal of significance in the immediate area and I was now within striking distance.

It was risky for a lone wolf to try and take down a deer, but the pack was hungry. By the time I left to get my pack members, the deer would already be long gone. So here I was, making sure I was down wind of my prey and inching closer to the deer as silently as I could.

Although the deer was young, I was barely an adult wolf myself. I had only recently stopped growing, so I had to be extra careful due to my lack of experience. After making sure that there was no other animal present in the clearing, I focused my silver eyes on the deer. The fur on my muzzle shifting slightly in the breeze as I prepared my ambush.

The deer lifted it's head suddenly and tensed up, it had heard something I believed to be a rabbit somewhere off in the forest as it ran along. Luckily the noisy creature was on the opposite side of the clearing to me and didn't give my location away to my prey. I stood completely still with the patience that most ambush predators employ while I waited for the deer to go back to drinking.

Finally the deer relaxed as it decided that the noise wasn't an immediate threat to it's life. It bent its back head down to continue drinking. Sensing my opportunity as my prey was distracted, I choose that moment to suddenly charge at the deer.

The moment it sensed my sudden movement the poor animal attempted to flee as it realized I was there. But I was much to close for it to be able to start running, let alone get away. I rather easily jumped on my prey's back and sank my teeth into the deer's spine, snapping it and causing the animals legs to stop moving and collapse.

The deer fell in a heap as I rolled off of it to avoid being injured by it's fall. I quickly darted to the now frantic animal that could no longer defend itself and used my sharp teeth to tear it's throat out and end it's suffering.

A minute or two later the poor animal took it's final attempt at a breath and stopped moving as it's heart gave out. Knowing that it was now safe to make noise again as the hunt was over, I threw my head back and howled to alert any nearby members of the pack that I needed assistance to drag my kill back to the pack den. I was right near the boundary of our pack territory and it was a long walk back to the den after all.

"My goddess Eva." A grey wolf with a white muzzle said a few minutes later as he exited the trees and examined my kill. "How in the world did you manage to take down a deer by yourself?"

"Patience had something to do with it but it was mainly due to luck Henry." I replied to the Gamma of my pack. "I happened to find a lone deer that was distracted in a clearing that had cover so I could sneak up on it. I managed to break it's neck on the first try and now I just need help to bring it back to the den."

"No kidding." Came my Gamma's reply. "Jace and Ken are on their way, once they get here we can drag it back together. Well done Eva."

I felt my heart warm at the praise from my Gamma. I may only be a young wolf, but I was quickly earning my place in the pack as a tracker and hunter. I wondered if one day I could manage to rise in rank to that of Gamma or Beta female, or maybe even Alpha female. Although that is probably just a fantasy.

A few minutes later a brown wolf and a grey and white wolf emerged from the trees. After a few orders from Gamma Henry, the four of us started to drag the kill back to the hungry pack members and the packs pups.

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