Chapter 30

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This chapter is dedicated to ModernWolf2, who didn't give up on this story when I went MIA for a few months.


I drew in a breath to calm myself before I politely knocked on the door of Alpha Leyton's study, to let the people inside know that they were about to have company.

Alpha Leyton gave me a quick look of confusion because he couldn't understand why I bothered to knock instead of just entering like he normally would. However I figured that Beverly's parents were in for a lot of shocks in the next few hours, so they deserve the few curiosity's I could manage at the moment.

I heard a male voice speaking in a very unsure tone directly after I knocked. "Come in."

I opened the door and entered ahead of Alpha Leyton as my position of princess demanded. Both of Beverely's parents had stood upon the two of us entering the room. They both wore expressions that were unsure and scared.

Beverly's dad was a tall man for a human. He was solid but not fat and had a strong face. His dark brown hair was already half grey as the color appeared to branch out from his temples. He was still dressed in his lab coat from work, giving him the slight impression of being a mad scientist. When in fact he was a bio engineer working on the development of vaccines.

Beverly's mom was a short plump woman who had the incredibly kind face of a mother. Her dyed honey blond hair came down to her shoulder blades and I remember Beverly telling me once that she worked as a bookkeeper as well as taking care of the kids.

"Is Beverly ok?" Was the first question out of Beverly's father the moment we walked through the door.

"Beverly is fine and has not been hurt emotionally or physically." I reassured the middle aged man as he seemed to relax slightly. "However something unexpected has occurred and we need to discuss it with you, as well as the implications."

I made my way over and sat in Alpha Leyton's chair as Alpha Leyton sat in the corner of the room and Beverly's mother asked a question. "If Beverly is fine, then why have we been asked to drop everything and rush here like it's an emergency?"

I sat down and got comfortable before I answered her question. "Unfortunately something has happened to your daughter that needs to be discussed with you in detail."

"I'm princess Eva by the way." I said as I extended my hand towards Beverly's father then mother for an introductory handshake. What I was not expecting was for the two adults to bow afterwards.

"Please don't bow." I chuckled at the pair with a smile. "I've only been given this position recently and honestly have no idea what I'm doing."

I gestured for Beverly's parents to sit while I got comfortable on Alpha Leyton's chair. I even considered stealing this chair from my Alpha, it was that comfortable.

"So what do you know about the origins of werewolves and how dragons fit into that picture?" I asked the duo in front of me while looking directly into their eyes, to show that I wasn't joking and completely serious.

"We don't know a lot other than the werewolf race is old and has always been ruled by the same blood line." Beverly's mother answered after a moment's hesitation.

"Well that's correct, although missing a huge amount of detail." I said with a warm smile. "What I'm about to tell you of our origins is one of the most heavily guarded secrets in the werewolf world. I'm only telling you this because it directly relates to Beverly's situation. So whatever you hear in this room must never leave this room. Is that understood?"

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