Chapter 21

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"What do you need to talk about Aurora?" I asked my wolf as Grace, Detsy and I made our way into the pack house and waited for the elevator to take us to the top floor.

"In our family it is traditional for the parents to impart certain knowledge to the child after they have their first shift. As your parents are no longer on earth I have to have that conversation with you instead." Aurora replied.

"Hang on a second." I said to my wolf. "If you are me and I am you, then how do you have all this knowledge that I don't? How can you possibly know about our family and its traditions when I don't even know who our family are?"

"In our family the parents pass their knowledge along with the knowledge of the ones that came before them, to their children through the passing of their genetic code. There is a name for this process call Iroferntint, but for simplicity's sake let's call them blood memories. Humans are incompatible with blood memories, hence why you didn't even know they were there. I on the other hand, am not. These memories of our ancestor's that I can access are the source of all the information that I know but you don't." Aurora finished explain as I felt dizzy from trying to understand all that.

Luckily and without me realizing it, we'd made it back to our room so I could sit down on our nice comfy bed for support.

"Are you sure you want the both of us to be listening to this?" Grace asked Aurora through the mind link as I realized that it was dead quiet because both of my mates were also part of the conversation.

"I'm sure." Aurora replied. "It is never ever a good idea to leave your mate's in the dark about important matters. No matter who you are. The three of us may as well get comfy, this might be a long conversation."

So Grace, Detsy and I followed Aurora's suggestion and quickly slipped into our pajamas before sitting against the headboard in bed. We were sitting so close that the three of us were practically on top of each other, but we honestly preferred it that way.

"So tell me more about these blood memories." Detsy said to Aurora after we were comfortable.

"We will get to them I promise, but to make you truly understand what I'm about to tell you we need to start at the beginning. Which in this case is a few years before the first werewolf was ever created." Aurora started her story before I interrupted her.

"Wait, you said before that you knew who my family is. Before we go into this any further, I would like to know who I am." I asked of Aurora.

"This won't come as a shock to Grace and Detsy as I have a suspicion that they already know, as well as Tom and Cynthia." Aurora said

"We have a guess." Grace confirmed. "But considering what that guess is we were hoping for solid proof before we said anything to anyone. Could you imagine what it would do to Eva if we told her something like that, then six months later it turned out to be false.

I looked at both of my mates in astonishment before addressing them with anger lacing my voice. "You two know who my parents are and you haven't told me." My voice rose through that one sentence to the point where I was basically yelling at the end.

"No, we don't know who they are for certain." Detsy replied in a calm and soothing voice. "What we're doing is trying to find out for sure instead of opening our big mouths and spreading what could be no more than rumors, that would continue to follow you for years to come. Please believe me when I say that had we known for sure, then we would never keep anything from you."

I was still angry, but Detsy did have a point. I'd only been here for two and a half months and I'd already seen rumors that had seriously hurt their victim.

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