Chapter 29

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I stared at the creature in front of me, trying to decide if my mind was playing a trick on me. I had just jumped off a twelve story building after all. It may have rattled my brains.

No one else was currently around, although that would soon change when everyone in my room managed to descend the pack house and get outside to check on me.

So it wasn't surprising when the little dragon focused it's attention on me and attempted one of the smallest and cutest roars I'd ever heard. Although it came from what was obviously a baby, the dragon in me recognized the challenge for dominance that had just been issued and was not happy.

Instinctively I tried to answer that challenge by roaring back at the baby dragon to let it know who was in charge here. Unfortunately for the poor thing, werewolf voice boxes aren't designed to roar like a dragon. So what came out of my mouth was somewhere between a roar and a loud growl, which made me sound much more threatening than a normal roar would have.

Instantly the young sky blue dragon dropped onto his belly as he realized that there was a much older and more powerful dragon present.

The act of submission by the surprised baby dragon settled the part of me that had been acting up since Aurora disappeared. I hadn't realized just how much my wolf had been suppressing our instincts so I would be able to pass off as a normal werewolf until now.

Unfortunately I didn't actually manage to get beyond establishing the pecking order with this baby before I heard the front door of the pack house slam open and footsteps running towards us really fast. Grace and Detsy really hadn't wasted any time at all.

The poor dragon in front of me also heard the door slam and the pounding footsteps. Since we were beside the pack house and there were no trees or bushes to hide under as they had all been cleared around the pack house. The little one decided that I was the best cover currently available and ran between my legs so it could hide from the frantic footsteps and their owners. I also got a glimpse of just how thin this baby was as it moved.

Grace and Detsy rounded the corner of the pack house, still at full speed, and finally came into sight. The first thing I did was to put my hand up in a stopping motion and my fingers to my lips to ask for silence before mind linking them as they stopped a good ten meters away from me.

"Sorry for scaring you, but please calm down as it appears we have a guest who is currently hiding behind me." I said with a look of apology to my mates for scaring them.

Grace just looked behind me while still focusing on my face and raised a single eyebrow when she didn't see anything. Detsy on the other hand managed to spot the baby dragon behind me as her eyes went wide and she became very still.

Detsy very slowly tugged on Grace's arm to get her attention then pointed to the small head that had appeared around my boots. Grace also went silent and slowed her movements when she saw the real live dragon.

"I don't think he's more than a few weeks old." I said out loud, calmly and slowly so as not to spook our visitor. "Although we'd only managed to establish the hierarchy before you both found us." Grace and Detsy didn't reply to me because they were still transfixed on the actual, breathing dragon at my feet.

"Do you have a name little one?" I asked softly to the sky blue baby at my feet.

The dragon looked up at me as an internal battle raged across his features. On one hand he was extremely scared and just wanted to hide. But on the other hand he had lost our short dominance battle badly, therefore I was now his superior in his mind.

After a few moments his desire to flee and hide finally lost the battle. "Dasir." His pronunciation rolled the s sound a lot.

I knelt down so I wasn't towering over him as much and asked. "Well Dasir, Why aren't you with your Dame?" Only after I said it did I realize that I'd instinctively used the Dragon word for mother. Sire being the word for father.

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