Chapter 13

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The next day Doctor Rory removed my stitches and made sure I understood that I was to take it easy until after the lunar festival, once again.

Other than that, the day passed by quietly until it came to an end and the next day greeted us with blue skies and sunshine. Even if the approach of winter was making each day colder than the last.

This was the day Grace and most of the pack members returned home from their mission to the Shallow Waters pack.

Detsy and I were sitting in the living room and entertaining some of the pups so their mothers could have some social time when we both caught Grace's scent at the same time.

Very quickly Detsy convinced Lydia to watch the pups for us as we both raced outside to see nearly 80 werewolves as well as a dirty and tired looking Grace.

Detsy immediately flew into her mates arms and met her with a deep kiss. Although Grace wasn't the only one to be welcome back to the pack house like this as other people realised that there mates had returned home.

Grace finally broke away from Detsy when she realised that her mate had no intention to stop.

"We can continue this after I've had a shower." Grace promised a pouting Detsy. "But right now I smell worse than a warthog in a dung heap."

"What happened?" I asked as Grace started to move to the front door of the pack house.

"There was a pack there, just as you said." Grace said while giving me a warm, but tired smile. "Unfortunately all the males were gone who knows where and it was just the females left with lots of pups. No one has any idea where all the males have gone."

'What the hell?!" I exclaimed.

"That's what we thought." Grace replied. "No one has ever heard of the males of a pack disappearing and leaving all the females behind. Alpha Leyton and Alpha William have both left werewolves behind to stake out the Shallow Rivers pack territory and try and track where the males went. Although both Alpha's agreed to immediately start splitting up the no man's land between the two packs so it will be much harder for the wolves to approach both packs like they did before."

Grace was talking as she walked and only finished when the elevator dropped us off on the top floor.

She wasted no time heading into the bathroom and stripping off for a long overdue shower.

Detsy followed her and before long I heard noises coming out of the bathroom that were not consistent with someone having a shower and were making me incredibly embarrassed.

So I left the mates to it and went back to the pups I was previously entertaining. I didn't see either Detsy or Grace for the rest of the day and just to be safe I slept in the living room.

The next day wolves started to arrive from the Royal pack to help set up for the lunar festival. All up about fifty additional werewolves arrived to help. Needless to say, the pack house was full and some of the guests even slept in the living room as all the beds were full.

"Why is the lunar festival held five days after the full moon and not on it?" I found myself asking Grace as I watched her direct the wolves from the Royal pack.

"Think about it like this." Grace told me without taking her eyes off the stage that was being built. "If we were to hold the festival on the night of the full moon, how would the packs deal with the wolves that have their first shift on that night?"

"Ah." I said in understanding.

"It's five days after the full moon so the packs that have to travel can help the new shifters recover, then they still have enough time to get here." Grace said before her attention snapped back to the construction that was taking place.

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