Chapter 25

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Poor Maya wasn't having a lot of luck recently. Between losing her mate to a psychotic Alpha Tim, being raped by her mates murderer then miscarrying. Which also nearly killed her. You could say that it was amazing that she was able to leave the communal den and enter the rather unknown festival at all.

However when one of the obviously highly ranked werewolves suddenly focuses all his attention on her, I could see the poor wolf as she started to shake in terror and didn't blame her when she turned around and bolted.

But when Alpha Adam immediately started to chase after her, I knew that it wasn't going to end well for either of them if she was caught. Mainly because Maya had no idea why she was being chased in the first place.

So I very quickly recalled the conversation I'd had with Aurora about using the powers our dragon lineage gave us. In particular the royal command.

I felt the back of my throat slightly tense as energy filled it, ready to form the undeniable command.

"Alpha Adam, stop chasing her and get back here." My voice sounded musical and not threatening at all. It was even quite and shouldn't have been able to be heard over the noise of the festival. However the moment I gave the command, Alpha Adam stop in his tracks 100 meters away and came back to us.

The moment he got back to us he immediately verbally attacked me of course, as I'd stopped him going after his mate he'd been waiting so long for.

"Release me from whatever hold you have managed to put me under Eva, if you do not wish to die. You will not deny me my mate." His anger was so intense that there should have been steam coming out of his ears.

This also cause Grace and Detsy to move in front of me very defensively, however I had a simpler solution planned.

"Calm down." I commanded Alpha Adam in that same musical voice that couldn't be ignored. It wasn't surprising when two seconds later he had calmed.

"Ok how are you doing that?" Alpha Adam asked in a curious but now calm voice.

"Royal commands are very useful." I replied while shrugging to lessen how important that bit of information really was. "However most people aren't meant to know that I can use it yet so please don't say anything."

I hadn't forced his cooperation with the command and was very grateful when he simply nodded his head in agreeance of keeping my secret. I had however forgotten that Derrick and Saffron had no idea and where now staring at me with very wide eyes. Lucking Detsy and Grace were quietly talking to them and explaining.

"As for your mate Alpha Adam." I continued. "I know her personally and she's been through a lot in the last six months on top of being a natural wolf." I then gave him a very brief rundown on her recent history.

"So by chasing her like that it would have caused more harm than good. Please also remember that she has no idea how werewolf mates work. In a natural wolf pack the individuals choose their own mates based on rank and compatibility. The idea of soulmates is foreign to them." I informed the Alpha who was still listening calmly to me.

"Well in that case I apologize for threatening you and thank you for stopping me from making a big mistake with my mate. How would you suggest I approach her?" I was surprised to hear a genuine question from someone that was ready to murder just minutes ago. Royal commands truly are terrifying.

"Be calm, friendly and start by introducing yourself. Be sure to explain the differences between werewolf mating and natural wolf mating. Maya will be able to feel the mate pull but will have no idea what it means. So basically be patient with her." I tried to list off everything that I thought would help.

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