Chapter 9

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I woke up to a feminine voice calling "Lunch is ready." I was on a comfy bed but I had the worst splitting headache I've ever felt. It felt like someone had tried to insert a searing hot knife into my brain and twisted it a couple of times for good measure.

Luckily for me the headache receded a little after a minute or so. So I cracked opened my eyes and looked for the person who quite rudely decided to announce lunch while I was still sleeping.

I was in the room I shared with Grace and there wasn't another soul in sight. "Great, now I'm starting to hear things." I thought to myself as the pain in my head receded enough to allow me to fully open my eyes and stretch out like a cat.

Seriously, stretching like a cat is the best feeling ever and I'm not sure how I'd never heard of it before coming to the Roaring Hills pack.

I just wanted to lie here for a bit and enjoy the softness of the bed. However once again I was interrupted by a young male voice that I could now identify as being in my head. "The pork is awesome, you really have to try it."

"Yup, I'm officially insane." I thought to myself as I panicked a bit. Although I stopped hearing the voices in my head after that. Maybe they were a temporary side effect of waking up?

A few minutes later and the door to my room opened. All I saw was the flash of white hair and I suddenly found myself in the embrace of a sad Grace.

"What's wrong?" I asked Grace when she sat there long enough to lift one hand and start patting me without saying anything.

Grace pulled back and looked at me with her dark blue eyes full of relief as she said. "You've been asleep for two days Eva. Even though Doctor Rory said that you were just exhausted, I was worried."

"I'm alright, I promise." I reassured the Princess in front of me. "Although I did wake up hearing voices that aren't there."

To my surprise, Grace laughed while still not really letting me go. "Do you know what a pack link is Eva?" She asked me.

I nodded my head as I recounted everything I'd learnt on the link since arriving at this pack. "It's an ability where werewolves can speak to each other in their minds. The only way to obtain this ability if you're not a born werewolf is to be marked by your mate."

"That's true." Grace said. "However there is another way to obtain the mind link ability. If a human, or in your case a wolf, manages to obtain the acceptance of the entire werewolf pack as a true pack member then that individual gains permanent membership to the pack as well as the mind link ability."

I didn't say anything as I realised what Grace was actually saying.

"You saved Lydia's life Eva. Because of that everyone in the pack has accepted you as part of it. So please let me be the first to welcome you as a permanent member of the Roaring Hills pack" Grace had a huge grin on her face as she welcomed me. "Also you're not hearing voices. What you're hearing are other werewolves in the mind link. If you like I'll teach you how to control it before we head down.

"Thank you Grace." Was all I could say. I couldn't believe that I had earned myself a place in such an amazing pack to call myself part of forever.

My thoughts were cut short as I suddenly remembered what happened before I passed out a couple of nights ago. "How's Lydia?" I asked Grace with concern lacing my voice.

"Lydia's fine now." Grace assured me. "She shifted back yesterday and found that after her first shift, she can shift completely pain free whenever she wants. It's so unusual to see a new shifter changing forms so freely."

I relaxed my muscles that had gone tight with worry when I remembered the sights of Lydia lying apparently dead on the table.

"Saffron, Eva's awake. Could you please grab both of us some food, then you can come up to see her." Grace's voice sounded out clearly in my head.

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