Chapter 17

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"The situation isn't good at the pack den." Stewart explained to us while the other member of our pack, Ian, informed the Thundering Falls pack members as to why they were shocked to see me shift.

"The remaining wolves are attempting to hunt, but their pregnancies are making it hard for them to move swiftly and silently. The entire pack would be lucky to be getting a rabbit or two a night from the packs combined hunting effort." Stewart continued.

"So why aren't we helping them?" I asked while successfully managing to hide the anger in my tone. "There is plenty of meat here at the encampment."

Taking a good look around I realised that there was indeed an excessive amount of kills waiting to be cooked. The amount of meat here could feed the Shallow Waters pack three times over before half the pack was taken away.

"That's the thing Eva." Stewart continued with a defeated sigh. "We've hunted all this meat here for the hungry she wolves and pups. But they won't take it. We've tried approaching the pack den, only to have them get nasty and defensive. We've also tried to leave the kills close to the pack den, but they completely ignore it and let the meat rot. It's like they're trying to starve themselves. We don't even know why because any attempt at communicating is met with aggression on their side."

"Well I hope they'll talk to an old pack member then." I said before looking at the position of the sun in the sky. "There is about another hour of daylight left as the three of us made our journey in good time. I'm going to use that time to visit my old pack." I stated. It was a weird feeling for me but I wasn't asking for permission, I was simply stating what I was going to do.

"Of course Eva. We'll be waiting to bring the meat if you can convince them to eat it." Stewart slightly lowered his head in submission to me.

When Stewart lowered his head I realized that I was giving off that powerful aura again and mentally forced myself to relax. All the wolves in the area also visibly relaxed when I did.

"Would you like to come with me?" I asked addressing Thomas and Daniel. "No more races I promise." I was met with a scowl from Thomas. "Just say back a bit until I mind link you. I'm going to try and see if I can get them to meet my pack members and you two are the perfect candidates."

"You'll also need to be in wolf form, as your human form will most likely scare them too much." I said as I headed behind one of the makeshift tents to shift back into my wolf.

Considering this is only the third time I have ever deliberately shifted. It was surprisingly easily to let the wolf part of myself dominate my being and the shift to occur. It was the weirdest feeling, there is no loss of control of my body or my mind, the part of me that is a wolf was simply slightly more dominant now.

"I'm glad you're finally getting the idea." Aurora told me mid shift as my mind was wondering.

The shift itself only took about a minute to complete and was completely pain free, which was almost unheard of for a beginner. It normally took lots of practice to achieve a fast and pain free shift.

I trotted out from behind my tent just as Thomas and Daniel's wolves emerged from the trees.

"Follow me." I told the duo as I headed out of camp and towards the Shallow Waters pack den. I already recognized the land around us as we really weren't very far from the pack den. Every tree, rock and plant was familiar to me now. It caused a lot of nervous and excited energy to stir inside me.

It took less than five minutes of walking before we came to the edge of the clearing that housed the pack den. A quick look into the clearing told me that everyone was still inside the safety of the cave that served as the den.

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