Chapter 4

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"Alpha can I ask you a question?" I asked as Alpha Leyton and I walked back towards the massive pack house.

"Of course you can little one." Came the black wolf's immediate reply.

"When I was forced to flee my previous pack I had to leave my little brother behind. If I can manage to get him out of that pack, would he also be welcome here?" I asked after a pause.

"Of course the Alpha replied, any family of yours is always welcome here, even if it's only to pass through. Although unfortunately I can't help you with retrieving your brother. As werewolves it's forbidden to us by our council of Elders and Royals to influence non werewolf wolf packs." Alpha Leyton replied. "I'm truly sorry Eva."

Even though the Alpha was apologizing to me, I was relieved. All I had to do was get John out of there and we could live together again.

"Thank you Alpha." I said. "I'll get him out of that pack somehow." It was more of a promise to myself than a statement to the Alpha.

"Okay then, just don't get yourself into trouble or get hurt doing it Eva." Alpha Leyton cautioned.

"Of course not sir." Came the easy and honest reply.

By now we had reached the pack house and Alpha Leyton told me to wait here for a couple of minutes as he trotted around the side of the pack house.

A couple of minutes passed and he re-emerged in his human form. He'd also put material over himself just like all the other humans here.

He caught me looking at him funnily and after a moment realized what I was confused about. "They're called clothes Eva." He explained. "Not having fur gets cold so we wear these to make ourselves warm. Humans also have a funny rule about always having to wear clothes around others. It's considered extremely rude to be naked in the presence of others that aren't your mate."

I understood the first part of what he said but I could not for the life of me understand why humans had to wear clothes around each other. It didn't make much sense to me.

Changing the subject Alpha Leyton kept talking. "So today we're going in through the front door but unfortunately it's designed for human hands. There is however a wolf door around the side that you can use whenever you want."

"There are a couple of basic rules. First and foremost is not going to the bathroom inside the pack house. If you need to go then go outside, the wolf door is never locked so there should be no excuse." Alpha Leyton had a serious expression on his face as he made sure I understood this rule.

"Yes Alpha." I replied. I tried to stop myself but I couldn't help saying. "What kind of animal would urinate in the pack den in the first place?"

"You'd be surprised." Alpha Leyton said. "Some humans and I swear even some werewolves have less manners than a wild wolf." He rolled his eyes while he appeared to be thinking of a werewolf in particular.

"Anyway." He continued. "The other rules are things like respect your pack mates and breakfast, lunch and dinner are to be had in the dinning room. It's all pretty basic really. If you have any questions just ask me or one of your pack mates."

"Are you ready to go in?" The Alpha asked having finished laying out the basic rules.

"Hell yes." I relied enthusiastically.

The Alpha open the door that I couldn't because I didn't have hands and stepped inside. I followed him inside a second later.

I actually opened my wolf mouth in amazement at what I was seeing. The floor appeared to be made out of some sort of wood that was shiny and smooth. The ceiling was three times higher than the one in the pack cave I was used to and there were walls that separated different rooms neatly. It was no wonder the werewolves liked to live here. It was amazing.

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