Chapter 23

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We could hear John come running towards us the moment we entered the Shallow Waters pack den area. He must have smelt us all the way from the large structure in the middle call the communal pack den and dropped what he was doing to come and greet us.

A few seconds later I saw my brown fluff ball of a brother come barreling around the communal pack den. It took me a moment to realize that John had come out the far exit and was taking the longest possible route to get to us.

As John got close Grace held her arms out wide so the pup could jump at the last second and land in her arms, well on her chest really. She caught him without any effort.

"How are you little one?" Grace asked John as we continued our way towards the communal den at the center. Unlike the individual kennels surrounding it, the communal pack den had been designed so a human could comfortably stand upright inside. Although Grace will still have trouble.

"What are those soft things on the ground?" John asked. "I have never slept on something so comfortable before. Oh and there is so much tasty food they just bring to us. I never want to leave."

Detsy, Grace and I had a good chuckle. At least John seemed happy with his new living arrangements, I just hope that the rest of the Shallow Waters pack reactions were as positive as his.

"Those soft things are called beds, they're a human invention that we all love to sleep on." Detsy explained to John. "I agree that they're really comfortable."

"I can't wait to go to sleep again tonight so I can experience sleeping on a bed again." John's excitement just went up and us as his words started to tumble over each other, trying to get out of his mouth all at once. "Maya came back last night as well. Luna Kate said that she was really sick when we were traveling, but she looked perfectly fine to me when she entered the communal pack den."

"I'm glad that Doctor Rory was happy enough with Maya's recovery to let her join her pack for their first night here." I commented as Detsy agreed with me and Grace played with the pup in her arms.

As we arrived at the communal pack den, John struggled in Grace's arms until she finally gave in and put him down. He entered one of the doors that were designed for wolves while the three of us had to keep walking around the structure to the only entrance for humans.

We were greeted by Luna Kate as we entered. "Eva, Grace and Detsy, when I first heard about another pack wanting to take care of us I was skeptical at best. However I must thank you Eva for coming all the way back to us and convincing everyone to come here. I do not know how we will repay the kindness your Alpha and pack have shown to us."

I knelt down in front of Luna Kate and wrapped my arms around her in a massive hug. "I grew up with everyone here. While I may not be a part of your pack anymore, you are my family. You don't need to say thank you because I will always come to help. As for Alpha Leyton, you'll have to thank him yourself but I'm willing to bet that his response will be similar to mine."

I'd never seen a wolf cry until this day. After months of stress, lack of food and worrying that the members of her pack were going to starve after giving birth. Luna Kate could look around and see everyone warm, sheltered, fed and happy.

As I was comforting Luna Kate while she finally let out her emotions that she'd kept bottled up for far to long, I saw Maya come to sit at the front of the wolves that were surrounding us.

She already looked far healthier than she did yesterday before Doctor Rory carted her off to the medical wing in a rush.

I let go of Luna Kate as the other members of her pack came to show her their support and the undying love they all had for her. I took the five steps over to where Maya was sitting down. Luna Kate was almost completely surrounded by her pack before I even managed arrived at where Maya was sitting.

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