Chapter 6

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The next few weeks passed as some of the happiest I've ever had in my life. Unlike my previous wolf pack who stuck together for survival and because nature told us to, the werewolf pack members all had a deep connection to each other. The human word for it is family, one enormous family.

Three days after starting my trial membership with the pack, Alpha Leyton came and informed me that I would be attending training with the rest of the pack three times a week and I would be part of the border patrol 6 days a week. I was more than happy with this arrangement as I got to earn my keep.

Grace then decided that on one of the days that we didn't have pack training that she was going to give me private lessons to help me catch up with the rest of the pack.

Even though I only took part in the wolf part of the training and otherwise ran to increase my stamina, I was improving my ability to fight quite quickly. As well as my ability to keep up with the others on border patrols.

"Has it really only been three weeks?" Thomas said to me as he passed where I was sparing with another wolf.

Thomas currently held the title of highest ranked pack warrior, junior division, and had for quite a while. He trains a lot out of pack training hours and it's rumored that he's going to earn the Gamma or Delta rank in the pack on skill alone.

"I know, it seems like I've been here forever." I reply to Thomas through pants after my spar with the grey she wolf.

Thomas is a man of few words but I found that I'd grown quite close to him through training and patrols. He was honorable and extremely loyal to his pack and its members. He was definitely someone you could trust with your life if needed.

He chuckled before giving pointers on the spar I just had. "Be lighter on your feet Eva. Remember to use your claws for balance and power instead of your weight on your paws. This was you can react to a change of direction or battle conditions a lot faster."

"Yes Sensei." I replied before I laughed and Thomas looked annoyed. I'm not sure where I picked the word up but I've since learned that it means teacher in a language called Japanese. I've called Thomas Sensei in training ever since. I think he's finally resigned to the title as it's spread to the other werewolf's who have started addressing Thomas as Sensei as well.

We were saved from a grumpy Thomas as a werewolf with short dirty blond hair headed towards the group that Thomas was training. This werewolf was named Daniel and he also happened to be Thomas's best friend.

"Hey Thomas." Daniel called from where he was still approaching us 100 feet or so away. "The Alpha wants to see us both regarding the strange scents found on the Eastern border of the territory."

I'd actually been the one to first identify the wolf scents that were running through the no man's land between our pack and it's neighboring pack 100 kilometers or so away a couple of days ago on patrol. I only noticed the faint scents that appeared to be masked because I was familiar with a wolf pack, the werewolves smelled different and therefore I missed it.

Thomas and Daniel had been tasked by the Alpha with investigating it further and determining if the wolves moving through no man's land were a threat to the pack. All I'd been told so far is that there appears to be a lot of them, not a simple rogue or two.

"OK, training dismissed." Thomas told us as he turned to head to the pack house with his friend.

Not for the first time, I wondered who the boys were mated to. They both had marks on their necks but I'd never seen either of them with what would appear to be their mates. Normally I could tell mated pairs pretty easily but both the guys partners were still a mystery.

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