Chapter 19

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As we restarted the last tiny leg of our journey to Alpha Leyton and the pack house I noticed that one of the wolves simply sat there and looked at the ground instead of getting up and walking.

Luna Kate was already by her side, trying to get her up with gentle nudges from her snout. But everything she did simply wasn't working.

I started towards them after a quick mind link to Detsy and Grace explaining where I was going and to keep an eye on John for me.

As I got closer I finally recognized the wolf. Her name was Maya and she is the widowed mate of Gamma Henry. I hadn't recognized her before now because she was much thinner than the other wolves in the pack and her fur had gone a few shades lighter. I'm assuming the stress of losing her mate caused that.

As I approached her I heard Luna Kate trying to gently persuade Maya to get up again. With the way Maya wouldn't even lift her head up it appeared the journey had been too much for her and she'd given up on everything.

"Maya?" I called her name gently as I got to the two wolves. "It's been a long time since we've spoken, how have you been?"

The only response I got was for Maya to lift her head slightly at the sound of my voice and look at me through her dead looking blue eyes before lowering her head to the ground again. Her face showed no emotion at all.

"Why is she so thin?" I directed my question to Luna Kate instead. "She doesn't even look pregnant unlike everyone else."

Luna Kate gave Maya a sympathetic look before turning to me. "She was pregnant. However, about a week before you turned up the stress of losing her mate caused her body to reject the pups and she lost them to. She's been getting sicker ever since."

I may not know a whole lot about being pregnant and having pups, but even I knew that if you miscarried then suddenly started to get really sick that something was wrong and you needed a doctor. Which is something Maya obviously didn't have access to.

"Luna Kate, with your permission I'd like to get our doctor out here to take a look at Maya. I think that there might be something else wrong with her other than the stress." I said to the Luna before me.

"What is a doctor?" Came Luna Kate's reply before I mentally face palmed myself for forgetting that my old pack have no idea about human terminology.

"A doctor is what the humans call a healer. They need to study for years and years before they earn the title and know more about how our bodies work then I could even dream existed." I replied.

Luna Kate looked at Maya again who now had her eyes half closed otherwise hadn't moved. "If you think it will help her then call your healer." She finally said to me.

I nodded before sitting down and reaching out to my pack through the mind link. "Alpha Leyton, Grace and Detsy. There's a she wolf back here that miscarried a week and a half ago and now looks incredibly sick. I'd like your permission to get Doctor Rory out here to take a look at her."

"Where are you? I'll get Doctor Rory out there immediately." Came the reply from Alpha Leyton. So I told him our location as he made the arrangements.

"Detsy and I are coming back to the three of you." Grace informed me and I knew that it was pointless to try and convince her otherwise.

"Doctor Rory is coming and Grace and Detsy have decided to head back to help because no one can really say no to the princesses." I informed Luna Kate who simply nodded at me in response.

I couple of minutes later Grace and Detsy arrived. John was no longer with them so Thomas and Daniel must be watching over him.

"Can I take a look?" Grace asked Luna Kate as she arrived. Luna Kate once again simply replied by nodding.

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