Chapter 15

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I was warm and comfortable. Even though I was lying in what had to be the weirdest position ever. My front legs felt way to bendable as they were curled around the small heater in front of me and my back legs felt like they were going straight down to where my tail normally sits.

I sat there pondering the weird feeling and wondering why the space beneath my head was so soft. It was like I was using one of the human pillows.

The moment I thought of humans my mind suddenly decided to remember everything that had happened last night all at once. The shifting, Grace and Detsy being my mates and being marked.

My eyes shot open to find my arms wrapped around Detsy's sleeping frame. Another set of arms around my middle told me that Grace was just as snuggled into me as I was with Detsy.

I looked over at the clock and groaned, which stirred both of my mates into wakefulness. It was already 10 am in the morning and we'd missed breakfast.

"Good morning you two." Grace greeted us both with a yawn and a stretch while Detsy's eyes were still half closed. The poor girl gave up her attempt to wake up and slumped back down into bed comfortably.

"Come on sleepy head, it's time to get up and the three of us have stuff we need to do for the lunar festival." Grace told Detsy as she got up and went into the bathroom.

The sound of a shower running finally convinced Detsy to get up and follow her mate into the running water, but not before she dragged me along with her.

As we entered the bathroom Detsy looked at me with more wakefulness then she'd displayed since last night before her eyes moved down to look at the mark I'd received from both of them last night.

Her eyes widened as she observed the mate mark. "Oh my god Eva, you need to look at your mark."

Her voice was serious and worried me enough to turn around to the mirror and inspect my neck without asking any more questions.

There on my neck was the traditional crescent moon mark that signified I was claimed by my mate. However my mark also had white, silver and chocolate colored wolves playing together on and around the moon.

"It's beautiful." Grace whispered as she stepped out of the shower and over to me to examine her handiwork. "The best part about it is that it means you're ours." Grace had a giant grin on her face.

"If she doesn't stop rubbing that in them I'm going to take over and mark her right here and now." Aurora grumbled in the back of my brain.

"Relax Aurora." I replied to my wolf. "We have the rest of our lives to mark out mates. There's no rush."

"That didn't stop then from marking you immediately." Aurora shot back.

"True, although I did give them permission to. There is no harm in waiting until they're ready as well." I tried to argue, however Aurora decided that she was going to start ignoring me and didn't reply to anything I said after that point.

"Is Aurora giving you trouble?" Detsy asked while still examining the three wolves playing around the moon on my neck.

"Yes she is." I admitted to them. "She's not talking to me now because she desperately wants to mark both of you and I told her to be patient."

Grace laughed out loud at me. "You do realize that telling your wolf to be patient when it comes to their mates and marking them is like telling a hungry dragon not to eat the paddock full of sheep. Short of killing the beast nothing will stop it."

"So what am I mean to do about it then?" I asked as Grace was still giggling at my expense.

"You just have to mark us." Detsy said as she grabbed my hand and lead me under the warm water flowing out of the shower head.

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