Chapter 12

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Everything was fuzzy as I slowly woke up. Even my thoughts were taking time to form as I simply lay there and enjoyed the comfort that comes from a slow wake up after a good sleep.

However, no one can stay in that comfortable half asleep state forever, so after a while I decided that I really should get up and get on with my day.

I lazily yawned and stretched out like I do every morning. Except unlike other mornings, I was greeted with a large amount of pain as my body moved. It woke me from my bemused state immediately and my eyes flew open.

I stilled and waited for the pain to subside before I focused on the world around me. As I took in my location, I saw that I was in Doctor Rory's medical ward on one of the beds set up there.

Grace and Detsy were cuddled up asleep on the couch, which was over the other side of the room.

I could vaguely hear Doctor Rory talking to Saffron and Derrick from all the way inside the doctor's office.

After a few seconds of observation, my mind finally caught up to the fact that I was now awake and I remembered the events of the hunting trip and how it ended.

I accidentally moved a bit and the ensuring pain caused a whimper to escape my mouth.

Grace and Detsy instantly woke up to the sound as if they were on high alert while they were asleep and the three in the doctor's office came out.

"Eva, how are you feeling?" Detsy asked me as she quickly disentangled herself from her mate and rushed over to me.

"I'm ok, but I can't move without it hurting." I replied to the concerned Princess.

Grace was by my side a few seconds later and very gently put her hand on the top of my uninjured head so she could give me comforting pats. "Then try not to move too much." She told me with a voice laced with concern.

"I remember fighting those wolves and you two coming to save me, but not much else. What happened?" I asked of the mates hovering above me.

"You were airlifted back here." Doctor Rory answered as he got to my bed and shooed Detsy out of the way so he could look over me.

"Alpha Leyton called in some favors to have a rescue helicopter come and take you back to the pack house. If he hadn't then you would have been in some trouble as we couldn't get you back over the river in your condition." Doctor Rory said as he continued to look over my wounds.

"You got banged up pretty bad but Cody is safe thanks to you. I'm going to keep you here in the medical ward for a few days to make sure you're healing. After that I'm going to excuse you from all duties until at least the lunar festival. You got hurt pretty badly and we need to make sure you heal well and don't get any of your wounds infected." Doctor Rory informed me.

He was being gentle but it still hurts every time he examined one of my wounds. I hadn't realized how badly I had been injured until the Doctor had to examine all of the wounds. They were everywhere.

I turned to look at Saffron and Derrick. Unlike Grace and Detsy who had concerned and pained looks on their faces, Saffron's eyes were red and she still had the tear marks running down her face from crying. Derrick looked a bit better but that's expected from an Alpha to be.

"Don't cry for me. I'll be alright I promise." I said to Saffron as she started to cry again. Grace moved from her position a bit, although still not breaking physical contact with me, so Saffron could come up and gently hug my head.

"I thought you were dead when I heard what had happened." Saffron cried into my fur.

"Far from it." I told her. "You're going to be stuck with me for a long time yet." I attempted to say in a humorous tone, but in the end it just came out weak and exhausted.

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