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//Jerome's POV//

I walked to the chair across the blondy and sat on it. She didn't move an inch and still payed attention to her magazine. Why do girls ignore me like that? It's so annoying. Then you've gotta get their attention then. "Hi gorgeous", I said, turning to face her, "I'm Jerome". "Keep moving ginger", she said turning the next page on the magazine.

"Just being polite", I smiled, "So what're you in for?" "Killing my parents", she said bluntly. "Oohh. Me too. Well mom anyhow", I rolled my eyes, "How liberating right?" I let out a low growl. "What a rush", I threw out some jazz hands but only got an uninterested glare from the blondy. "Yeah alright then", I gave up on the intro, "You see the big handsome fellow staring at you like you're fried chicken?" Blondy turned looking at who I was pointing. "Richard Sionis. He's a millionare. Got his own airplane, got a boat with a hot tub on it. Then he killed 25 people", I chuckled, "Just for fun".

"So what?", blondy said, clearly not interested. "So", I put my hands on the table, "He likes you. He wants to be your friend". "Hm. Let me think", she said, pretending to think, "No". "A girl needs a friend around here", I said, "See the guards. They don't care. They figured bad happens to bad people. They happen all the time. All the time".

Blondy turned her seat to where Richard was sitting. "Hey you. Hellooo", she said, whistling and snapping her fingers in the air to get Aaron's attention, "Baldy over here. Here here hello yes". She caught his attention and Aaron looked at him with a confused look. "Hi", she said sweetly, "Come here". Aaron did what she told and she stood up as well.

"Hi~", she said sweetly. "Hi", Aaron said cautiously. "My name's Barbara", she cooed, "Would you be my friend?". "Yes", Aaron said instantly. "If someone here tries to hurt me", Barbara softly said, her words making Aaron drop his smile, "Would you protect me?" She flutter her eyelashes. "Yes", Aaron smiled came back up. "Thank you so much", Barbara said sweetly and poked his nose, "Cutie". She smiled and went back to her seat. Oh~.

"Now I have a friend", Barbara said reading her magazine again. "You're bad~", I said, grinning. "Yes now why won't you go and make me a sandwich", she said sarcastically. I was about to say something when a guard entered, put cuffs on me and dragged me out. Rude.

"Hey no need to be so harsh officer, jeez", I shaked him off. The guard didn't reply and grabbed me again. Alright that's it. I pushed my head hard to the side which hit him and made his head bleed. He gasped in shock and ran away to get help. "Jeez no need to be so scared", I said to myself, "It was just a headbutt". I walked and whistled down the hallway to an office that belongs to a friend of mine. I stopped in front of the door which says "Director". I would usually hear Mr Smith yelling at someone through the phone but it was silent. I kicked open the door and it was no Mr Smithy.

"Hello Jerome", the person greeted me with a warm smile. The person sat behind a wide antique wooden table with a computer on the left and a photo frame at the right. Some bookshelves were sitting on the left and a beautiful window illuminates the room perfectly while a grandpa clock sat at a corner of a room showing the time, 4.00. Some furniture was there to fill in the empty spots. Of course in front of the table was a comfy chair for those psychos who didn't behave well.

"Well hello my angel", I grinned, sitting down on the chair, "Where's old smithy?". "Oh he's down there", the person pointed to the floor beside the wooden table covered in blood and Smithy's head with an arrow through his head. His eyes laid dead and open. "Why's he on the floor?", I asked looking at the body. "He didn't want to give me his seat since he was gonna meet you", the person folded her arms on the table in a proper manner.

"Aww my princess already miss me~?", I said sweetly. "Of course", she said, sarcastically getting a clip board on the desk, "Now back to why I'm here". She threw a file at me which I caught. Wait weren't you in cuffs. I stare at my wrists in shock but I didn't show it. But she saw it. "What is it Mr Valeska?", she tilted her head to the side, "Looking for your handcuffs? Ya want them back?". She twirled my cuffs around her pointer. I stared at her in amusement. Sweet. I didn't realize that I nodded a bit.

"Yes? Alrighty then", she said walking over to me. I whined standing up, moving away. "No~", I purred. "I will if you don't cooperate Mr Valeska", she said walking too close to me. I suddenly felt something beating heavily and loudly in my left side of my chest. But it feels nice. What's happening to you Jerome?! Move! I tried to move but my legs turns jelly like. What's happening to me??

"What's wrong Mr Valeska? Cat got your tongue?", she said, taking a step forward making me take a step back and th pattern repeated till I felt my back on the velvet wall. "I-", I stuttered then felt a click on my wrist and a tightening clutch. I squirmed and opened my eyes. When did I ever close my eyes like that?! You don't!!!

I got dragged back to the chair and was pushed harshly so I nearly fell over the chair. "Alright back to business", she said, taking a similar copy of the file she gave me and she read it, "Jerome Valeska, 18 years old, raised in a moving circus, lives with mother in a trailer, no other relatives or some sort. That's you?". "I don't know. It's that really me?", I asked sarcastically, "I would prefer Jerome Valeska, 18 years old, raised in an abusing moving circus that his mother keeps banging every single person every single night making her son clean up her mess but gets beat up anyway. That's me. What about you princess? Any interesting things in your life?"

"I do", she laid back on the chair, "18 years old, only relative of James Gordon, parents died in a mysterious way, raised by her only uncle, lives in Gotham, recently just studying for my master's degree in psychology, an archer and the last but not the very least, an assassin and psychopath. Nice to meet you Mr Valeska, I'm Angel Gordon. I will be your psychiatrist for a while, maybe till someone finds Mr Smith's body". I sat there in awe. "Now you know some things about me", she said curling both my hands into a fist, "Let's start with our first session shall we?". I curled my lips into a smirk and she does the same. Oh this is going to be one fun session.

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