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//Third Person POV//

The blonde man worriedly paced around his office back and forth. "Hey Jim", Detective Bullock entered his office, "I got some new cases from-" "Hold onto that for a minute Harvey", Jim kept his pace around the office.

"Whatcha thinkin there Jim?", Harvey asked, concerned, "Something wrong?" "Yeah", Jim said, "Angel is supposed to be here 2 hours ago for her shift here". "Have you called her?", Harvey asked. "I've called her a thousand times and she's not picking up", Jim said worriedly, "What if something happened to her?"

"I'm sure she's fine Jim", Harvey patted Jim's arm, "You raised her well". "Yeah well", Jim crossed his arms, "I wasn't the only one who raised her". Harvey's eyebrows furrow in confusion, "What do you mean by that?"

Jim took a deep breath and said, "She used to be in an asylum for kids, since her parents died when she was born and I didn't know that I had a niece, no one was there to take care of her even the orphanage was packed, and my parents don't have money to take care of her so an asylum did. I'm worried they put something in her. Something not right. She doesn't even look like my brother, or his wife, or my parents. And she's not adopted either. I swore to myself that I would protect her at all costs. I should've stopped her from taking that job at Arkham".

"Hey Jim", a black haired woman entered the room, "Angel is calling. She needs to talk to you immediately and she doesn't sound well". Jim and Harvey looked at each other worriedly and rushed to the telephone. Jim picked it up and slowly put it on his ear. "Hello?", Jim said. "Uncle!", Angel panted, "I need kinda got hurt at the asylum". "Hurt?", Jim said in shock, "Where? How? Who attacked you? Why don't you go to the hospital?"

A groan was heard from the other side of the call. "You know I can't go there Uncle. My boss is gonna kill me if I do", she chuckled, "I got a cut on my abdomen, it's not that deep. I'll tell you more later. I'll be there in 5. Tell Lee, I'm gonna need her help. Okay thanks bye". The call was ended and Jim quickly turned to the black haired woman. "Angel got stabbed and she's gonna need your help", Jim said quickly. The black haired woman was shocked but quickly left to go to her office.

Soon the doors bursts open and Angel was there. "Hi guys!!", she choked out a yell, "I'm-" She fell to her knees and Jim and Harvey ran up to her. "Angel! Angel! Are you alright?", Jim and Harvey said simultaneously. "Yeah I'm definitely okay", she rolled her eyes, "It's not like I got stabbed or anything".

Both of the men slowly lifted her and brought her to Dr. Thompson's office. They slowly put her on a bed and Dr. Thompson starts to open her shirt revealing the very deep stab on her robust abdomen. "Wow Angel", Harvey said, "I know you exercise a lot but not this much". Angel gave him a look making Harvey smile. "Anyway", Jim said, "Wanna tell me what happened?"

"Wait-", Angel choked out, "Just quickly stitch it Lee". "Don't tighten it", Dr. Lee said, trying to stitch the wound. Angel took out a bag of painkiller pills from her pocket and swallowed one. She took a deep breath and looked at her uncle. "Long story short, I was at a session with Jerome. I took of his cuffs and then he quickly took my knife and stabbed me", Angel said, casually, "And- OW God damn it! Can you slow down!"

"You told me to be faster", Dr. Thompson said, cutting the excess string, "And now you're telling me to slow down". "Sorry doctor and thank you", Angel said, getting up and wore back her shirt. "I'm gonna go to the hospital now. Don't wanna be stabbed again by my boss".

"See you uncle Jim", Angel kissed the detective on the cheek, "I'll be back before dinner". "You better be", Jim said smiling to his niece making her smile back. She left the office and when she was about to put on her helmet, she got a phone call from a blocked number. She's got a lot of people that she blocked and never want to see again. This time, she doesn't know it'll change her life neither for the good or bad.


The oranged hair boy softly twiddled  the blood covered knife with his large fingers as he whistled in the dark corner. When he took out Angel's knife from her pocket, he quickly stabbed her and ran away. He didn't mean to stab her. He just wanted to stab someone. He quickly hid the knife before he went out of the office. He got tazed by one of the officers and was put back in the cell where everyone was there but he refused to talk to anyone and hid himself in a dark corner.

Stupid guards, Jerome thought. I wonder how Angel's doing, the voice said. "Hey Jerome", Barbara called him, "Why the long face~?". Jerome looked at her with sad eyes and looked back to the empty space in front of him. "Come here J~", Barbara cooed, "Tell me what happened".

Jerome stood up and walked over to her like a little boy that lost his toy. "Here sit", she tapped the empty seat next to her while her new friend paints her nails. Jerome sat on a chair and rest his chin on his crossed arms.

"There's this really sweet girl. Her name's Angel. She's so sweet and cute and funnyy~", Jerome said sweetly like he had fallen in love. "Oh really?", Barbara became interested, "Tell me more". Jerome stood up straight as his eyes glow up. "She's really smart and soooo hot", Jerome said, popping the t, "She also killed Smithy and she took of my cuffs". "Ohh~ I like her already", Barbara said. "She sounds delicious", a curly man said.

"And ya know what's the best part?", Jerome got closer to Barbara. "What?", Barbara gets closer too. "She's the only niece of THE JAMES GORDON", Jerome explained and laughed loudly. "Oh her~ I love her~", Barbara grinned, "She's a bit crazy in the head like us ya know?" Jerome smiled like a maniac, "That's why I love her".

Suddenly a gas emerged from the outside of the cell. Everyone quickly saw it and the guards had collapsed. Jerome couldn't see anything because of the fog but he heard gun shots and could see that everyone had blacked out. Then he suddenly got dizzy and his vision was fading. He saw a silhouette of a girl, the girl looked at him and whispered, "Miss me handsome?" He knew who it was but he couldn't react as his body became weak. Then everything turned black.

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