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//Angel's POV//

"So what do you need me to do?", I asked as I leaned back to the chair, "Can I kill the mayor candidate with Victor or should I look for your missing mommy?"

Oswald furiously grabbed my glass and threw it across the room. The sound of glass shattering echoed throughout the room. "Never", Oswald pointed a finger at me, clearly triggered, "Call my mother like that".

I tilted my head to the side and realised that he looked like a tomato when he's mad. I broke out a giggle which made him confused.

"Why are you laughing?", Oswald asked as he gazed me down like a predator gazing at its prey waiting for the right time to attack.

"I'm sorry", I waved my hand around the air as I continued laughing, "You're face looked like a tomato hold on". I held my aching stomach with my arms as I kept laughing. I finally calmed down and sighed happily but I still had a grin on my face.

"Oh that was a great laugh anyways please do continue whatever you were saying", I sat up straight and cleared my throat as I try to focus.

"If you're not taking this seriously, you can just leave Ms Gordon and I'll inform you on your job through Butch", Oswald said as he became more annoyed at me.

"Just call me Angel I'm not older than you", I rolled my eyes as I stood up from my seat, "I'll be expecting a call from you".

I walked away from the table and took my coat from the hanger to put it on. Butch held the coat as I slid my arms into the coat and thanked him.

"I think Tabby will like you", I whispered to him as I smiled happily. Butch looked quite confused and uncomfortable by my statement making me smile more.

"See you Ozzy", I fiddled my fingers goodbye. Butch opened the door for me as I glanced one last time to Oswald. His face looked like a little mad toddler because he didn't get a candy. I think he's adorable.


"Hey Jay~", I greeted my bird as I opened my apartment door and he chirped in response, "How's my baby doing?" I walked over to his cage and kissed his beak through the bars. I unlocked the cage door for him to stretch his wings a bit.

"I brought you some snacks", I said as I hanged my coat and entered the kitchen with a bag of groceries. I put the food in the pantry and some in the fridge. Jay flew to my shoulder to see what I brought for him.

"Sunflower seeds!", I pulled out a bag of seeds which made Jay chirp in joy. I opened the bag and grabbed a plate for him to eat on. I poured it and brought it to the living room with Jay climbing to my head.

I set the plate on the coffee table as I sat down on the couch and grabbed my laptop. Jay devoured his sunflower seeds bringing a smile to my face. I turned my laptop on when my phone rang. It was a blocked number. Probably the same caller when we left Mr Cicero's apartment.

"Hello?", I said to the phone. The caller wasn't saying anything. I could hear the person breathing. "Who is this?", I asked but the person did not reply, "Is anyone there?" I could still hear the person breathing and there were rustling noises in the background. Is this guys walking around somewhere?

A Little Mad [Valeska Twins]Where stories live. Discover now