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//Angel's POV//

I found the cabinet with Jerome's name on it and turned the handle. It wouldn't budge. I pushed the handle again and it stayed closed. I can feel Ed think hard about my riddle which made me smirk in amusement. He's gonna get it in 3..2..1

"A camera", Ed answered as the handle still wouldn't open. I huffed and grabbed my gun from my jacket. I aimed at the handle and shot the handle open. The broken handle landed on the floor and Ed looked at me in shock.

"Good job", I said as I opened the cabinet and pulled the long board out. There he was. Jerome. His face had his crazy smile before Theo put a knife in Jerome's neck. There were no more blood on his face and the wound on his neck was stitched. Yet something about him made me shiver and miss him even more.

"I know I might be rude by asking this", Ed stood up, "What's with you and this crazy Jerome guy?" I rolled my eyes and turned to him.

"Crazy?", I pushed Jerome's body back into the cabinet, "You're as crazy as he is. Well not now. Soon. That voice inside of you is getting stronger and I can feel it".

Ed stood in silence. "Jerome was a friend, I guess", I answered his question, "Anyways, if you can't talk everytime there's Kristen around and the voice inside of you is getting out of hand, just write a note or something. It works for me".

The man in front of me didn't move an inch. He just stared at me. His eyes looked mad but shocked. I waited for him to reply or say something but he just glared at me as if he was looking right into my soul. Well this is awkward.

"I'm just gonna go", I pointed to the door and walked to the door as I felt him staring at me. I turned to Ed and he was still having that glare at me. I waved awkwardly before I closed the door. That was so awkward, I thought, I am never going to do that again.


I put on my helmet and started my engine. I rode past some traffic and reached my apartment in a few minutes. I raced up the stairs and took out my keys. I unlocked the door and was about to turn the knob when I remembered that Oswald guy had put something inside my apartment. I grabbed my gun and kicked the door open.

My apartment was quite a luxury compared to other apartments in Gotham. It wasn't old and rickety. There were no falling wallpaper and the ceiling wasn't leaking. It was an apartment a city like Gotham shouldn't have. It was too nice.

I put my gun back into my pocket and fell on my bed. I guess Oswald stopped coming for me. Maybe Uncle Jim made an agreement or something. We've seen him do favors for Oswald, didn't we?

Maybe they're friends, I thought. Shouldn't you go to work? They fired me remember? All of the 6 jobs, the hospital, Arkham, Gotham Gazette, that coffee shop, the library and the orphanage. And the university is on semester break for who knows how long.

Well,what are you gonna do now? You can't just sit here and do nothing for the rest of your life. Jerome was my purpose. Catching up on the good times. Maybe get together. But he's dead now.

If you don't mind me asking, why is Jerome such a big focus in your life? The four of us, Me, Tom, Jerome and Jeremiah, made a promise that if we get seperated in the future, we had to find each other. We had to make sure each of us were safe. We didn't have to be part of each other's future lives but at least we all knew we were okay.

Well Tom's dead, Jerome's dead so all is left is Jeremiah. Why aren't you looking for him? He had to leave with his Uncle Nash because Jerome tried to kill him by setting his bed on fire when I was 10. Jeremiah asked me to leave with him but I refused since I couldn't leave Jerome alone. It broke his heart but he promised he would keep the promise to look for me one day. Then my grandparents found me somehow and handed me over to Uncle Jim. I was happy he took me in but I had to leave Jerome.

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