Painting The Sun Chapter 1

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Closing my locker door at this typical Silver Bear High School in Pennsylvania, Berks can be quite interesting, but with a couple of weeks tormented from Rachael McCulloch and Zack Mueller has becoming quite useful somehow. Thankfully I have friends that can drag me out of scary situations.

I've noticed my younger sister; Valerie Graydon looking right at me even with my school books in my hands and my backpack pads on my shoulders.

"Hey Caleb! Getting ready for another school year?" Valerie asked with a bright and glistening smile, her green eyes were sparkling with happiness and her wild and curly brown hair pasts down at her shoulders. Valerie was half of my size for being a six foot five basketball and football player, while she is just five foot two; sometimes I find it fun to mess with her hair. Valerie is just a wonderful young sister and I enjoy every moment with her, even if we hang out at the movies, or the mall for our own different interests, especially when we go other places at least.

I'm just a six foot five tall man with a typical life with a sister by my side here at school, I scratched the back of my light brown hair mixed with blonde highlights, unsure how to answer.

"Kind of, just not very sure about this sophomore year" I answered; thankfully I hugged Valerie quickly and moved on to my next class of history.

"Don't forget about...oh just forget it, I'll do the chores when I get home..." Valerie said in a distance, even if I heard her, I stopped and turned around.

"Don't worry! Let's team on it! Chores are no matched to us" I winked and placed up two thumbs up and walked away.

"Hey Caleb! Check this out!" shouted Scott Gaines. He was fifteen, the same age as me, and wore glasses like I do, he was five foot two almost the same height as Valerie, he has black shining hair off some glistening white from a late shower, he was rushed out of the house and didn't bother much of the time to dry it off but he let it dry on it's own. Scott has brown eyes that show off happiness and excitement with this new book, he was actually a geek when it comes to books and research with a dream for the paranormal. Scott also have some tanned skin from his sports and gym class.

"It's the new book of the paranormal! The Number of Ghosts by David Daher!" Scott said excitedly, it was the same name of the school's famous teacher, not that he's only a history teacher, but he is quite an author for writing stories.

"Seriously? I thought he was more busy with the class assignments" I said, as Scott handed me the book, it has a pair of hands trying to reach out towards the sides of the book, it has a fade and transparent looking face with numbers all over the white apparition.

"I'll let you have it for now, Caleb, if you are interested in the story" Scott said, but with my other classes that I have to get to, I couldn't get the time off for anything else.

"Eh, no thanks, Scott, but I'm sure you'll enjoy it yourself" I answered.

"Alright then, see you after school" Scott said, he turned away and walked towards his next class of science.

There was a moment of relief for me, somehow I felt this calming cold feeling just washing over me like water was splashed, somehow it felt great and I was ready for history class.

"Hey there, Mr. Daher, congrats on you're new book" I said and gave David a high give, he was the kind of guy that is seen like the father figure of the school, aside from Principle Anton Holt he was quite a giant almost compared almost to my size, but David Daher was just an inch taller to my height.

David Daher has brown or black hair, some of his hair is wilder with some of his bangs in front of his face, almost matching to his beard but shorter. David also had brown eyes with a hint of his Egyptian heritage, he used to be an Egyptian Archaeologist until he was trapped for a few weeks with only two gallons of water and five protein bars, it placed him in a state of horror until he found an unmarked crypt of a lost or forgotten mummy, instead it was a lost pharaoh tomb found in the same room that he was trapped in.

Possession: The Curse and The Phantoms (WILL BE REWRITTEN) ✓Where stories live. Discover now