Within the Crypt Chapter 3

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During dinner things were quiet and somewhat awkward, but there's a simple thing that is good. Kimberly isn't crying anymore, but Valerie is just staying silent and for me...well...I was more lost in thought once again, not caring about how good dinner was but trying to figure out what was the big problem for me, things are getting more strange than ever and even not making any sense at all. I didn't want to talk about my problems to my mother or to my sister, because...who would ever believe of what is happening to me? How could they help me when their brother and son are going a little crazy? Plus, I'm sure no one would want to know what is going on, at all.

Maybe we're all quiet because we don't want to make things any worse, not talking about the family tragedy, not even what happened to me recently and basically that. I just don't know what to do or how can I fix this broken family...I sighed.

"May I be excused?" I asked with manners.

"Yes, you may" Kimberly replied with calmness in her voice.

I finished my dinner kind of quickly while being lost in thought, but during the time of doing that I just rinsed my dishes and placed it in the dirty dishwasher.

I headed upstairs to my room on the right, the moment I shun my room with light, I saw a lot of bright things trying to burn my eyes, it was strange for me to experience while I didn't know what was trying to burn my eyes, so I just turned off the light and stayed in the darkness.

When I opened my eyes to see darkness, my eyes weren't really burning anymore as if something in the light was trying to light me on fire, the kind of fire that I would be lit ablaze at any second, but if I turn off the light... I'm completely fine, nothing was trying to burn my skin or make my eyes go blind and so it was seriously weird and strange.

It's kind of obvious actually, this never happened to me before even in my own room or my own house. Just when I finished dinner with a dimmed light, nothing was trying to burn me at all and it was clearly not making any sense.

The best thing to do is to ignore all of and move on.


SLAM! I closed my locker door without realizing I was slamming it this time, it's not that I didn't sleep very well last night, it was more likely because of the new medication from this morning at the doctor, it's a kind of medicine that would help my white blood cells to fight off an infection that isn't seemingly there.

The doctor wasn't sure what was wrong with me but from doing some simple tests, she said that it might be an infection of something that was never found scientifically, meaning that it is an unknown virus and the only thing that can help is a medicine known as Epololion.

Epololion does have a few side effects, from what my doctor said, she explained that I might have a little strength after taking the medicine, but during the time on the medicine I would be a little dizzy and might walk a little different, twisting some words with my tongue when trying to speak and think something weird.

So it was noted to the teachers and the principal of the school, just in case if there is some weird communication or a misunderstanding.

I sighed and tried to relax after the medicine I was given, until I felt a hand and a familiar presence right next to me and I knew who it was.

So I looked at my right and saw a worried and concerned little sister, Valerie.

"You okay, Caleb?" Valerie asked me with a little shock and a gulp, I don't know how but I am somehow hearing her heartbeat, it's unusual but it's something that doesn't make any sense to me at all.

Possession: The Curse and The Phantoms (WILL BE REWRITTEN) ✓Where stories live. Discover now