Significance Chapter 9

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"Look... I don't know if you believe in the spirit world, but this is dangerous and I mean dangerous, as if you are going to be hurt without seeing what will attack you next..." I said as I was finishing up all of the cooking and grilling of the burgers, it is a set of six and wanted to get enough for anyone who would be interested for burgers tonight.

"Are you saying you believe in the spirit world?" Tyler asked me skeptically, he raised an eyebrow at me and was soon breaking in deep thoughts.

"...Yes... but I can't tell you about it as if you'll make me think I'm going crazy, so all I can think about is how only Annie and you, Tyler, to figure this out on you're own... besides the burgers are ready..." I said hoping they can figure it all out on their own with me helping them. If Annie and Tyler really want to help me, they need to help themselves first so there won't be any further problems.

"Actually... about the spirit world, there's a new officer in town and he's like a younger version of you, Caleb, but to be fair, he knows more things about the paranormal or the supernatural world... but I don't think you want to hear about it and that's fine with me," Tyler said as he stood up and walked inside to get the table ready for all three of us, but whatever he was saying almost seem to spark up some leads, or a way to help me since he's giving me this information.

"Who?" I asked curiously.

"I'll tell you who when you can tell me the entire truth," Tyler said.

"Blackmail?" I asked again.

"Nope, just trying to do the best to help a friend in need" Tyler said as he got out three plates, three forks, got the mustard and the ketchup out and set it on the table. Tyler is the kind of guy that anyone would relay on, he's not just a smart-ass like Roderick, but a man who can give out important information and convince people of what to do next.

"I also didn't know if you were staying for the evening, but are you sure you want the entire story? Tyler... come on man, I can't give you the details on every part of it... it's horrifying and dark..." I was trying to warn Tyler to back off but he keeps on having the convincing grin like he knows what he's doing. Smart-ass...

"Try me" Tyler said with determination to hear what my story is going to take... still I wasn't sure about this and not wanting my friend and girlfriend to be a part of it, but there is one thing that I can do... even if it means that they will be in danger at least they will get the heads up. It's possible that Roderick is now looking to find Annie and unsure if I even got the right chance.

"Try me as well, I want to help my boyfriend, what's worse than being tortured by a serial killer?" Annie said with a determined expression like Tyler's.

I sighed and couldn't believe that this is now happening...

Just like that I started from the beginning that is now ten years ago, it was having all ups and downs when I was trying to explain everything I could, the whole talk over dinner just to hear my side of the story was complete dark and insane. Annie and Tyler's expression seemed to share the same fear, torture, misery, sadness and darkness when I was spilling out everything. The more I explained the more I still felt this danger red flags going wild, it wasn't any sorts of good and now it felt like it was too late.

It took me about an hour and a half to explain my entire story, but there were some moments that I had to keep to myself, the moment when I tried to kill Margarita in the museum, the uncontrollable feeling to feast on human corpses and the moment when I was being possessed, by the power of an Egyptian Serpent. Annie and Tyler can't know about those three missing links in my story, they will think I need to be locked up in a insane asylum from that dream that I had from those many years ago.

Possession: The Curse and The Phantoms (WILL BE REWRITTEN) ✓Where stories live. Discover now