Shadows of Dominion Chapter 5

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It was crazy of what happened last night, two nightmares, nightmare within a nightmare wasn't a good sign, I've been looking around on my laptop to see what it means but all I get was different aspects of the meaning. All I could find was this one disorder that somehow caught my attention, so I dug even deeper about the meaning of this... 'Nightmare Disorder' it's saying something about, repeated awakenings during the night. Extremely frightening dreams like that snake like serpent that was about to eat me alive in the nightmare, even it means the same thing to the threats of survival. The lack of self-esteem during the past couple of days, when awakened the person rapidly becomes oriented or alerted of the contrast, of the confusion and disorientation in the asylum nightmare, even when it involved some epilepsy of the ceiling light.

To be honest at this point of not sleeping, I was more focused on what is happening to me because I couldn't shake the feeling that it's not just a disorder. This felt way too real and more than in the dream world, despite the facts that I've came across on the internet about this disorder... the more it might conclude that I do have this disorder.

There's just one problem...

I never had dreams or nightmares like this in all of my teenage years, no waking up in the middle of the night, not screaming like I was still a toddler or saw the boogeyman underneath my bed, never and actually never came across to see a snake in my entire life...just on the internet.

None of these make any sense and I sighed as I closed my laptop, there was something off about what's happening now... nothing and I mean literally nothing is making any sense.

This Nightmare Disorder is maybe the second stage of what is going on with me now, yet I was now thinking what the counseling might do, it could still help to determine of what's going on in my head but at the same time, I have to participate in the whole counseling.

I guess it wouldn't hurt to say yes about counseling over the summer, it just means that it would change some of my summer plans anyways.

After I thought about it, I got out of bed and went on the main floor to grab a glass of water, as I poured the water in the glass cup I chugged the whole thing, since my body temperature was rising in heat from all of that nocturnal problem an hour ago, I was now hoping to rest with the cooling cold water flowing through my veins.

As I set down the glass on the marbled tanned counter with black spots on it, I was ready to head back upstairs and wait until I feel asleep and so I did.

Quickly, I couldn't move my right arm or even my left leg, until I felt something tighten around my chest; it felt heavy as I was trying to breathe. The more, I was trying to breathe, the more I felt this heaviness just pressing onto my chest, trying to suck the life out of my lungs. I groaned in pain as I was able to pull my right arm in front of my neck along with my left hand, it was literally trying to make me either pass out or trying to kill me by suffocating me. The pressure was tightening around my body and when I felt the familiar scales being pressed onto my skin, I knew it was that same snake-like, serpent creature from my nightmare.

Yet it also confirms that this isn't a real nightmare at all, not even the Nightmare Disorder... this...this painful pressure against my skin was giving me the signs that this is the real deal. I groaned even louder through my clenched teeth, I was trying to breathe through my nostrils but was starting to make me feel lightheaded, I was breathing fast from all of this digging pressure around my body.

I knew that I was using my muscles to pull this away from me but it seemed too strong to be ripped apart from my neck. This painful suffocation was just getting worse as if it was trying to levitate me in mid-air and squeezes the last puffs of air from my lungs. The more I was groaning, the more pain I was receiving until I felt that its body was being coiled all around me. The numbness started to form around my head, and trickled down to my arms. Black spots started to cloud my vision. The numbness got worse as I felt my body go limp from all the fighting. The last thing I was feeling was a pair of teeth sinking into my left arm as if it was trying tear apart a piece of meat on my arm and eat it. That was the last thing that I felt, until I was trying to scream, the pain was returning to me and I knew that I still had to find a way out of this powerful grasp around my body.

Possession: The Curse and The Phantoms (WILL BE REWRITTEN) ✓Where stories live. Discover now