Layla Chapter 12

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Author's Note- These future chapters will be based on the other main characters perspective, so I am doing something different :) Hope you guys like it!


It didn't take long for a girl like me to stand up and fight for my choices, but I didn't know why I didn't tell Zachary about Sa-Kra-Nepth and his plans. Honestly with my choices in life I may have been through the good and the bad, but I was unable to answer my own question.

Why couldn't I tell them the truth about Sa-Kra-Neph?

"Because you're very weak, Layla! As you're demon counterpart, you have to let me out or I'll break you once again! I couldn't tell them the truth only because of you!" Said my inner voice, but this inner voice was more likely to be a demon that loves to torture it's victims with lust just to toy with them, it's passion to kill the prey with black water, black ooze or something solid liquid and drown them, it's cold and icy spikes on it's shoulders and arms, with black long hair that is long enough to stop at the mid section of it's back. My demon was in a female presence with whitish blue pale skin color, with piercing sharp red eyes that illuminates it's appearance.

"Just shut up, Temperance!" I said in a low whisper as I moved aside some of the loose rocks around me, there was a bit of a love/hate relationship with Temperance, she and I always look at things in different ways but when it comes to working together, things are quite useful even when it comes to fighting off enemies.

As I started to stand up on my hands and knees, I felt this crumbling pressure on my back and I felt some of my bones being shifted and popping in many painful ways. Thankfully, Temperance was able to fix my bones and place them back into place.

"Did any of you know about this?" I asked Zachary and Eddie, at the same moment I was walking onto my feet, not only for catching my breath as I see everyone groaning and grunting from that powerful breakout from Sa-Kra-Neph. It was seemingly possible that no one saw this coming at all... except for one...

"That stupid guy is finally getting onto my nerves, gah... it seems like my host is ready to challenge me now, since I'm weak from Nephie's toss and hold onto my neck..." Roderick said as he was brushing back his hair, he was on his knees and rubbing onto his neck from the intense pain.

"Sure, Ricky... go ahead and take on Eddie Young, it's not like I care..." I said unexpectedly as I closed my eyes to think of what I said and realized, it was Temperance that made me said that.

"Temperance! Shut up!" It wasn't because I was arguing with myself, I was arguing with my demon that won't stop being hateful against Roderick.

"You need to calm the hell down, Temperance, it's not like that it's a part of you're name, such a useless but obvious thing that you have a temper..." Roderick said as he got up on his feet and walked towards me, his eyes were showing off a lot of hate and anger against Caleb. Ever since that day when Roderick was trying to fight Caleb, he was trying to find out what made Caleb different than the other kids at high school. Now that it was clear, Caleb was the key to the ritual for this evening and how Sa-Kra-Neph had tricked them all.

"No one tells me to calm down and I don't need you to boss me at every move, so move your dick so I can get the job done, understand?" Temperance said and threatened Roderick as I felt my eyes become pure red while he was doing the same with his pure blood orange eyes as well, to me it didn't matter if it was going to be demon verses demon, it would only waste some time for all of us.

"If you want to me to do that, say that in my eyes and you will see that I won't even care!" Roderick said and shouted but was quickly interrupted by Zachary.

Possession: The Curse and The Phantoms (WILL BE REWRITTEN) ✓Where stories live. Discover now