Emancipate Chapter 18

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"It's over, Sa-Kra-Neph! Give it up!" shouted Tony Swift he was focusing his magic from both of his demons or his spirits.

Sa-Kra-Neph only hissed and snarled from the gurgling of the water that is drowning him, he was trying everything to be released from his little trap.

"Caleb! You're alright!" Valerie said with an actual smile, her smile and her presence is one thing that actually makes me want to smile back as well.

"Yeah, I'm alright" I said but I still kept my distance away from everyone, even if I was walking towards a danger that threatens everything or for every world, Sa-Kra-Neph must either be trapped back in his prison or be killed somehow...

What I still can't stop thinking is that this isn't over somehow, something feels off or missing...

"But right now, we all have to outsmart this demon, he's already making me going through a transformation, in which I don't think this is Sa-Kra-Neph at all..." I said until I heard Layla and Eddie grunt and fall to their knees, they didn't know much longer than can contain the beast with their demons magic.

"What do you mean? This is the serpent that is hellbent on killing everything!" Layla said when I looked over to see her in pain, she was already having a little nose bleed on her left nostril, her right eye is watering in blood and blood dripping on her lip, her chin and underneath her eyes.

I understand that Layla is seeing that this Sa-Kra-Neph himself, but I still have that urge to think or to say that this is something different...


After a moment of silence and thoughts going through my mind, there is only one spirit that I haven't truly seen to understand magic or magic itself...

Unless... since magic exists after all...

Wouldn't magicians be using real magic as well? Even with...

...It's a magic trick...

A mind game.

"Shit..." I whispered until not only me to feel the ground shake, it was something more massive or something coming over this way of destroying this library. When the ground started to shake, Layla and Eddie couldn't last any longer and their demons returned within them and their magic was dispersing into thin air.

This Sa-Kra-Neph wasn't Sa-Kra-Neph in my thoughts or in my own case when having a mind of a detective, this was a set up for all of us and for himself. It was a decoy...

Suddenly I was struck by something that didn't just impact a wound mentally onto me, but more physically as I felt a weight of something sharp just shoot through my left shoulder, only to realize that it was a large visible tooth piercing right through my shoulder, right through the scapula, after feeling this piercing through me I was stunned and couldn't move, as if I was frozen in place but from feeling a large gushing but painful hole in my shoulder with a large tooth... it bled out a lot of blood right in front of me.

I landed on my knees and looked at the attack on me, I was paralyzed and shook from something that almost made me feel scared to death.

"CALEB!" I heard a lot of voices shouting my name.

"It's such a sad thing when you are living in a nightmare...where it will always be there...to strike when there comes death, come on, Caleb... you know there is always blood on our hands, whenever we are a monster or not..." said a familiar voice, even if the voice was familiar it sounded like it was Zachary and his voice was bouncing off walls and echoing into my ears.

The serpent struck an attack towards me but before it did any harm, it was turning into black smoke and soon it was transformed into an alligator shape, I knew it... it wasn't Sa-Kra-Neph at all, he's still biding time to change me from both mentally and physically into the bonding.

Possession: The Curse and The Phantoms (WILL BE REWRITTEN) ✓Where stories live. Discover now