Cabalistic Chapter 11

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If it's really possible for me to be the bait that everyone is thinking about for this plan, it seems like we all have to carry on to our lives, while Tyler and I are planning on how to bring me back from the missing person's list.

The only reasonable explanation is that I had amnesia for six months, the only way to make that possible and convincing is to create the scene and the story, the only problem is that Tyler and I need to fool the whole police station in the matter of time.

I was running through my closet to find the right clothes for me to rip and shred, the same clothes that I had worn on the day I had ran out from the station, along with a few other convincing things that had to be done. Like trying to find a few items that would show everyone that I was surviving in the woods with only a few little things, like a knife for protection, being defensive, hunting animals or wildlife fruits, along with a flashlight to see in the night and being cautious of animals trying to eat me, and the only thing that shows proof that I was fighting against a gang that could've killed me, was the rope marks around my chest, arms, hands and ankles.

"I can't believe we're doing this, Tyler..." I said as I was just starting to rip apart some holes in my clothes.

"I know, Caleb, but it's the only thing that will get you out of the shadows and get back into the world that you are suppose to have. People like you with darkness in the past doesn't deserve to be lost or forgotten overtime, they are meant to be found and so do you" Tyler said as he and I met eye contact and noticed a smirk forming on his lips, he's a great friend and I was honestly glad to meet him at my job. The only thing that I seem to like about Tyler is how he always relays on his friends or family, a tough guy that would make him nearly impossible to get away from.

"Thanks, Tyler, but honestly I can't help it when I'm just going to be bait, I may have dark memories of this demon trying to take over my life, but I can't shake off that this demon and I are somehow or somewhat meant to be together, and I mean fighting until the end and I'm not liking it one bit..." I said as I finally made the last touches to make the clothes worn out, it was ready for me to be worn, Tyler walked out of my room and into the bathroom meaning that it's good for me to get dressed into these clothes.

"I understand that you are not liking it, but think about the butterfly effect, if David never did bring the mummy here in the USA, you wouldn't know about all of this important information or know anything about you're family history or heritage from Egypt. Besides, if David never actually did bring it here, you would see someone else than me and there is a good reason why, the butterfly effect exists" Tyler explained and even if he's right, this is suppose to happen in this reality because either way, I would come across this other reality and this reality would be completely different, but collides from two different universes. The last thing when it collides it will be a confusing world even when you're seeing a better version of yourself or the darkest version...

And I'm sure the darkest version of myself has been trying to reveal itself, but I'm sure that Sa-Kra-Neph is my darkest version...

With all of my honesty I couldn't stop thinking what Tyler just said, I'm not really alone with a dark past, a lot of people has the same feeling and relates to a situation like this.

"People like you with darkness in the past doesn't deserve to be lost or forgotten overtime, they are meant to be found and so do you"

I guess it's true, that I am supposed to be found; the innocence is always going to be found from being lost or forgotten. This is something I am going to remember for the rest of my life. Once the lost is found, it also means that they will fight forward to the future. No matter what it takes.

"You're right, Tyler..." I said to myself as I heard Tyler flushing the toilet and washing his hands, I wasn't going to complain but once this scene is going to end, I'm back on the force and paying for everything that I need to do. Living my life once again and this demon isn't going to be taking away another six months of my life, not again, but still, I'm pretty much live bait to get Sa-Kra-Neph back into my body, mind and soul. It's one way to trap Sa-Kra-Neph and I have to be aware of my surroundings. Being cautious, being careful and let it happen.

Possession: The Curse and The Phantoms (WILL BE REWRITTEN) ✓Where stories live. Discover now