Vehemence Chapter 7

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"I can't believe that just happen...that! That whole scene is now going to a confusing crime scene! You're own police force is going to talk to you of what happened! How are you going to talk this out to you're own people? A person that we knew was somehow the same girl from three hundred years ago turns up again, trying to kidnap me as the next missing person on that list! Caleb what are you going to do about this?" Valerie was pacing around in my old room as we were trying to figure out what happened at that house. I was sitting down on my bed with my right hand over my face, my left hand is over my cheek that is holding a cold pack, to cool down the burning, before or if it gets worse.

"I'll try to come up with an explanation to them, I don't know how but I'll try..." I said and I yawned, ever since that fight almost all of my strength is almost gone and I couldn't help but to almost fall asleep soon.

"...Okay, I'll go and get you another ice pack and some water okay?" Valerie said, as she was about to walk down towards the fridge.

"Sure" I said as I flopped down onto my bed on my back, thankfully there weren't any glass shards on my back that was deep, some of them were deep and was already pulled out when Valerie and I got back home.

I sighed in relaxation and tried to keep myself calm and steady, all of that fighting almost got my muscles to be sore and soon I was thinking about what that monster was telling me. It was now getting to my mind as I try to piece this all together, but this one of what this monster said from Joy had really gotten me baffled.

Thinking about what Joy had said was clouding my mind with confusion, something about my soul and what it was like to eat it? Sounds like something from an anime show or a dark drama TV show.

"You...I've seen this soul before...and I remember what it tasted like!"

Clearly I was thinking more about this and tried to think of what she meant, it just doesn't make any sense to me at all.

Instead of overrunning my mind I finally decided to close my eyes and drift to sleep, hoping that I will be able to get things off my mind.

Suddenly I felt something around my neck and quickly opened my eyes, my hands were over something with scales and something wet. I was trying to breathe from whatever was in front of me but didn't see anything, it is like there is some invisible force that is trying to suffocate me, so I tried to kick this thing away from me, but all I was kicking was air and fear was returning to me in seconds.

I remembered this feeling of scales wrapping around my body, the more I tried again to pull this off of my neck, the more stronger it seems to get. What happened next was something slithering in my ears once again, so I groaned to pull harder and say that this doesn't scare me any more.

I was finally slowing down and becoming motionless, as I felt this weight crushing me everywhere, I was finally, seeing dots in front of me and soon my eyes were slowly closing, to make me fall asleep, so I felt this darkness loom over me, and finally took me in.

"CALEB!" I heard Valerie's voice as she was screaming bloody murder, she rushed towards me and pressed her cold fingers on my neck.

"Scott! David!" Valerie's voice was fading from my hearing and soon I couldn't hear anything but silence, her voice was getting distorted slowly and I was finally in a deep sleep.

I felt something burn my skin when I wasn't getting any responsive, I tried to move my muscles and tried to open my eyes but all I would possibly see is just pure darkness.

Then this burning sensation was buzzing around in my head, I felt everything around me getting burned and try to swipe off whatever was burning me.

Possession: The Curse and The Phantoms (WILL BE REWRITTEN) ✓Where stories live. Discover now