Margarita's Shadow Chapter 14

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It's been a long time since Eddie and Layla had disappeared and run off to, but to no avail of where Caleb is, is going to a little bit of challenge to find and not knowing of what to do now. Being at Caleb's house along with his sister, Valerie Graydon, his old history teacher and my adoptive father, David Daher, his best friend Scott Gaines, his police officer co-worker Tyler Jones, along with Chastity and Dustin Shamoon it's almost a full house at his place.

As the morning progressed with no further information from Tyler's police work or from the police scanner, from his car or from Caleb's car, it was soon becoming hopeless on what to do now.

When Valerie, Annie and I, worked hard on breakfast around the kitchen it was getting a little off track for me, when trying to focus on the food for the guests here that is going to be served in Caleb's house, my thoughts were in all different places and trying to figure out on how to save him from not only being soul eaten from a monster that wants to destroy not only Caleb... but for everyone's sake.

The past with Caleb and I are not actually very friendly, it was more likely to be work wise or something like that. I know that Caleb never wanted to harm me with his hands around my neck, to squeeze all of my oxygen and cutting off my lungs it was painful to have as an experience towards death, Caleb struggling from something that he didn't know of at first. Ten years of a decade like this must have been a torture for Caleb, for me and for even else but now that things have gotten worse, Caleb is somehow getting more vulnerable around this soul-eating demon.

"Margarita, is everything okay?" Asked Annie Rowland, Caleb's girlfriend a blonde hair girl with interesting indigo highlights was quite a unique style for her, her dark blue eyes were filled with not only worry but fear of loosing her true love, she was close to my height around six feet tall or to five point eight tall. Whenever I look at Annie I couldn't help but to feel bad for her, this wasn't only the first time that she's showing fear, knowing that her past was horrifying of being held by a serial killer and Caleb Graydon, just busting through to save an innocent girl that was about to be tortured until her death. If it wasn't for Caleb, Annie wouldn't be here and he will be living alone...

With so many thoughts going through me I just couldn't seem to stop myself from cooking, but at the same time I felt a rush of anger going through me.

"I..." I fumbled on my words, when I was trying to use my fingers to turn the stove off, my right arm just layed on top of the burning surface, the sizzling on my skin, I quickly jolted my arm away, I held onto my right arm then took a few steps backwards and landed on my knees.

These thoughts are just crowding through me of not only trying to help Caleb to fight this serpent monster, but the times when I am slowly getting involved, the torture through my mind from dreaming horrible things that I couldn't explain, the sleepless nights of nightmare after nightmare and it keeps on going for hours until daybreak, I couldn't sleep at all but I was only able to sleep during the day, just not at night.

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Margarita! You're arm!" Annie exclaimed, she came near me to see a large gashing wound on my right arm, it was long, a faint red large burnt chocolate skin on me and without touching it, it was just stinging or burning me.

"Don't! Get near me! I'm fine..." I said with clenched teeth, I was fighting the stinging pain on my arm, I was slowly standing up and made my way towards the freezer, I didn't want anyone to help me but with so many things going through my mind, body and soul at this moment. I felt tired and helpless even for myself, I'm facing my own personal demons and I'm okay with that. I just rather fight on my own and try to live my life before this torment will end me.

I grabbed a cold pack and wrap it around my burnt arm, I groaned a little from the ice pack against my burning arm.

"Margarita..." Valerie spoke softly and nervously touched her left shoulder, she has an expression that my burnt skin had reminded her about something, although it left me confused I had a feeling that she was going to be nervous about something on her mind. Valerie moved her gray t-shirt and her bra strap off of her left shoulder; it revealed a pentagram with three sharp claw marks over the pure blood red pentagram on Valerie's shoulder.

Possession: The Curse and The Phantoms (WILL BE REWRITTEN) ✓Where stories live. Discover now