Margarita Part 2 Chapter 15

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After I made my way to Caleb's house, I was already holding an ice pack at my left eye, even I already told Annie, Scott, David, Chastity, Dustin, Layla and Eddie what happened to me, somehow I felt like I am regretted doing this, but they deserve to know this message from Zachary, he didn't just threaten me but he wanted the message to be shared with everyone else.

"I can't believe that prick did this to you, Margarita! You could have gotten yourself killed!" Scott said as everyone was around this table in the dining area, but there was no way that Caleb is able to know the whole story yet.

"I didn't really get myself killed, Scott, he wanted me to give you all this simple message, he let me go because of it" I said as Annie grabbed me a second ice pack, so she and I switched the ice packs. I didn't care if everyone looked at me with a scared or surprised look, but knowing that I have to listen to Zachary's orders, so I can avoid being a part of his evil schemes and somehow get out of it.

"Besides... he threatened me enough that he will place a demon in my body as well, I don't know what is going on through his mind but it's nothing good at this point. All I know is that Zachary wants me to reveal all of my all of you..." I said even with my eyes being smoked from this black fire attack on me, I may be hiding a lot of secrets but I am being forced to do this.

"Like what?" Scott asked

David looked confused although I don't blame him but I blamed myself for not telling him about this before...

We all heard a faint laughter coming from the basement, Sa-Kra-Neph is laughing through Caleb's voice, it doesn't matter to me but it did know about my secrets that I never wanted to reveal at all. But this is the only way for me to live as a human being, before being possessed by a demon that Zachary is going to give me in return for a higher power.

"Caleb and I met at the museum but also parted ways, when he and I saw each other at this one personal evening, I asked him to tell me what was going on with him, somehow, I knew it wasn't Caleb anymore... because he attacked me, not only by suffocating me but almost killing me..." I paused because David, Valerie and Scott gasped to realize and remember that evening.

"After Caleb let go of me, he had no control of himself and pulled back a lot of supernatural strength of the Serpent, while I was recollecting all of my thoughts, Caleb ran away and we never saw each other again. But that wasn't the end... that night after the attempt of the Serpent trying to kill me, I wasn't prepared to be in a dark nightmare, a nightmare that I saw a younger version of myself, as a mutated snake that look like it was melting and trying to kill me as well. After that nightmare occurred, I was in a different kind of dream or a nightmare; I saw a gigantic and massive snake that is almost as big as Africa itself. That kind of massive, I saw the true form of the Serpent and the angel, which fought the Serpent in the first place... I thought I was just there myself, to witness all of this happening in front of my eyes, the large and sharp fangs of the was bigger than an entire skyscraper or a mountain... but what I didn't understand was how Cask-Kiel, was able to stop the Serpent in the first place...although that was just the beginning of a nonstop nightly sleep of dreaming a small humanoid angel, Cask-Kiel and the gigantic and titan sized Serpent fighting...for ten whole years that I've been dreaming..." I trailed off and slowly rubbed my right shoulder lightly, feeling the bite of that alligator was seriously still in pain, despite all of the secrets I've kept inside of my mind, I was still afraid and worried that it would only cause me to loose not only my sanity but for my life and for the others hearing my story.

"...Why didn't you tell me this in the first place?" David asked he stood up from his chair at the table, his eyes were widened and his expression was a mix of shock and confusion.

Possession: The Curse and The Phantoms (WILL BE REWRITTEN) ✓Where stories live. Discover now