Contagion Chapter 8

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By the time when Valerie, David, Eddie and I were on the outskirts around the town, we've searched everywhere and the more we searched, Valerie, David and I were dialing Scott's phone but somehow there was no calls back to either three of us. Which raises everyone's suspicions and everyone was about to freak out as if the people who are in this cult captured Scott and Margarita.

"There has to be a lead somewhere..." I whispered to myself but to no one in particular, everyone is doing their best to pay attention to any moving shadow figures around town. Somehow I saw a few lightning bolts being shown outside of my window, I wasn't too sure if there was suppose to be a storm at this time of night. It was around ten pm or what felt like midnight to me, I was trying too hard to think of what to do now and wasn't sure of what can I do...

There was one thing that was on my mind, but at the same time it was hurting my head. I felt my tongue flick up and down on it's own, it felt weird and somehow it was weird even for me. My tongue was flicking even more and realized it's a snake kind of thing; despite if it was weird I was somehow getting two different familiar scents. One of them was smelling like sweat, stinky tennis shoes and that one was likely to be Scott, pretty sure that he has been running or jogging. My tongue is flicking again to pick up the scent of what smells like roses, sweat, perfume and some fresh blood or fresh liquid, most of the time when I was close to Margarita when I was facing Demon Eddie, she smelled like roses that could explain the perfume on her. But the blood or some liquid almost seemed to make my cravings go towards her and find her.

"Stop" I said as I was focusing on the flicking of my tongue, Valerie quickly hit the breaks and looked at me to ask me something but soon, she looked like I was doing something weird.

"I'll explain later, but first..." I trailed off and paid attention to my flicking tongue, I had my eyes closed and tried to think of which direction to go to. Soon, I picked up both of their scents.

"Go left" I said to Valerie as I've kept my eyes closed, I felt the car move left and heard everyone grow silent in the car, unable to think and trying to figure out what is going on with me.

"Caleb?" Valerie asked but I quickly shushed her as I was still concentrating.

"Straight" I said to Valerie again as she was listening to everything I was saying, somehow my tongue was still flickering, it was sensing and following every movement of what Margarita and Scott takes of every step.

For a couple of turns or in circles it took a while like... ten minutes to find where they were but my tongue or the pain in my head is telling me something else... multiple and different scents that is right in front of us but it was slightly confusing me.

What were confusing me were the multiple scents that I was picking up, from this weird tongue flickering like a snake. Not sure how I was able to do this weird thing but I knew, Valerie, David and Eddie looked at me with a weird and a big skeptical expression on their faces.

"What? You thought this was weird? It was David's idea to handcuff you to me on my bed, that's what was more weirder than this shit..." I said and pointed out the real weirdest thing that actually happened.

Eddie looked at David with a expression that reads out " did that?" or "are you F-ing serious?" Eddie was so surprised to think about the weirdest moment hours ago.

"You know what? No... let's just get Margarita and Scott back and get out of here..." Eddie said as he opened the car door and got out to look for these two people.

"Yes... please...just...let's...let's go..." Valerie said as she parked the car, grabbed the keys and got out of her car door and caught up with Eddie.

Possession: The Curse and The Phantoms (WILL BE REWRITTEN) ✓Where stories live. Discover now