Jeremiah Chapter 16

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A mysterious brief case with the missing artifacts that we needed, JUST appeared on the front doors of Caleb's house, something weird but confusingly mysterious...

"Oh my god...who? What? How?" I asked.

"Apparently we got an angel looking after us, that angel knows what they are doing, I guess" Margarita said with a hint of concern and confusion as well, I don't know how or who got it from Zachary's coven of stupid smart-asses of Satanism, but the person seemed to be a good mysterious spy for all of us.

Margarita shut the case and grabbed the handle, thankfully it wasn't any other demons claiming to be redeemed like Eddie and Layla, I still don't believe that they are actually redeemable, it just doesn't make any sense whatsoever.

It's not how I was taught at the church that I volunteered for, they taught me not only their secrets of fighting demons and evil spirits, I guess they never knew at all of demons becoming good? Or they are just still keeping secrets from me that I worked for years, whatever what was going through their minds must have been something important, even if there's no evidence to prove that demons becoming good spirits. It doesn't make any sense or even add up... it's just so suspicious that Layla or Eddie are just being undercover spies, just to see what we are all doing to Caleb and how to lower our defenses, but that's just me over thinking on things...

Such a move for Eddie Young being redeemed and Layla McCalla being a smart demon bitch, I don't believe they are even redeemed at all. Demons always manipulate, use, control and abuse humans all the time.

All I know right now is to keep on digging deep to find more paths and possibilities, of taking down Zachary's coven and to prevent this Serpent's War.

Although something tells me that we're all going to be dealing with Zachary's coven first, even if Sa-Kra-Neph is an all powerful titanic snake, trying to devour every demon, human and angel soul just to kill one forgotten god, Cask-Kiel, the serpent might be as well too power for any other god to kill.

Right now I have to close all of the opening files of Egyptian artifacts and other documents, I have to boot up some other sites on my laptop about Witchcraft and Satanism. If I didn't find any other information then I'm basically going to be reading a lot of books at the town's library, hoping on finding more clues and answers than questions.

Not that many sites were being noted of the real deal, thinking that all of these sites could be half fake or half true, but with the knowledge that I've gained at the churches for ten years, of freeing other people for half of my life felt like a dream come true, those who I've freed sometimes gave the money, but knowing that won't solve any other problems, it's a free service as a job and since I'm older, I'll keep on fighting more and more just to get stronger and I'm not falling into my darkness anymore. The good thing about that, I am glad to have this dark side of me fighting fire with fire, ironically, I'm not a Satanist myself but I do the opposite just to stab them in the back.

I am a good guy who knows spiritual phenomena, but dark arts, black magic, Gothic style freak isn't so bad, thankfully, I have a large tattoo on my back to prevent demons infesting me. It was a black tattoo so big, the crucifix was long from my lower neck to my tail bone, along the crucifix, there are a few other signs of protection; like a black Dream Catcher, located on my left shoulder blade, to chase away nightmares and dark thoughts like letting the dreams and positive thoughts to pass through, along with a phoenix marked in black to match the crucifix and the Dream Catcher, to overcome darkness and challenging to be more powerful, the best part of the phoenix tattoo on my right shoulder blade, is that it's a good meaning of death, rebirth and life along with the immortality. The next tattoo was a black Scarab from the most important topic Egyptian mythology, bringing luck and protection is one of the most important symbols at this ironic situation, and it was located on my lower left side. The last one is a black Unicorn head with a little exposure of the neck along showing the horn, the unicorn is thought to be a symbol of wisdom, along to heal, alike the phoenix of bringing eternal life and having good magic or power to be located on my lower right side.

Possession: The Curse and The Phantoms (WILL BE REWRITTEN) ✓Where stories live. Discover now