13- Fight

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I smiled at lunch and when it was done, Rae and Vee looked at me. I sighed and allowed everyone to have a treat. The Carbink were suspicious, but since Diancie said they're safe, they came over and had a macaron to be safe. I just smiled and spoke.

"I'm glad that you protect Diancie. I wouldn't want her hurt." She smiled and ate her Poképuff. She smiled and N smiled too. He was staring at me and his gaze was soft. I didn't notice and smiled as Diancie hugged me. I was surprised before laughing and hugging her back.

We smiled and she soon seemed nervous. I was confused and she looked at the Carbink and nodded. "Diancie?" "Ah... she says it's time." I was confused before realizing. "Oh..." I mumbled and she looked.

"I'm still going to help you however I can." She nodded and smiled. The others were nervous and Zaria sighed. "I'm sorry... I'm too nervous..." "Yeah... us too..." I smiled and nodded to the three when the twins spoke at the same time there.

N was nervous too and sighed. "I can't either..." "It's fine! I'm sure we can do it." They nodded and Diancie smiled. We got on a private boat my parents own, half thanks to Uncle Lysander. We were guided to the place we needed to be and I told the captain to go ahead and leave. He was uncomfortable with the dead land and Diancie was scared and held my hand.

I comforted her and she stared. She put the psychic field up and spoke.

"I need to practice my shield some more..." She mumbled and I smiled. "We can help with that, right?" I asked them all and my Pokémon came out and agreed.

"Yes! And since I'm a dragon type, I won't hurt you!" Flygon cheered and she smiled and nodded. The others agreed and promised to be easy until she could handle it. She was happy and spoke.

"I'm glad! We got her quicker than I thought so... we have another week or so until he wakens and comes here." "I'm glad. Then let's practice." She nodded and smiled.

We practiced and I soon got a bit hungry.

"Ah.. it's lunchtime." I smiled and they all smiled. I got them all food and mumbled. "Hmm... seems like the food in here only lasts for a few days..." I mumbled and Flygon nudged me. "Huh?" I looked and he flew.

I smiled and nodded. "Right. You can fly and we can get back to the mainlands that way." He nodded and I smiled. "Thank you." He smiled and nodded. We all ate and I basically had to feed Vee and Hattrem to make them eat.

"Calm down, we'll be fine and as Flygon said, he can fly." He nodded and the two were nervous but nodded. They ate and we smiled. We all helped her with her shield and the Carbink and I were the reason she became determined.

Week later

I smiled and saw Diancie staring up at the sky. "It's beautiful, isn't it?" She looked and I smiled. "I know you're nervous Diancie, but you've come so far. I'm proud of you. The shield is so strong and amazing." She stared before she cried a bit and hugged me. I smiled and hugged her back.

"Don't worry. I won't leave while you're fighting Yveltal." She cried and nodded. I smiled and comforted her. She smiled and stopped crying.

"There we go. Now... look, shooting stars." She looked up and I smiled. "Make a wish. But don't say it." She nodded and held her hands together like I'm doing. Everyone was here and I smiled as the ones that could held their hands together while the ones that couldn't just looked down and closed their eyes. We each made a wish and I smiled.

I wish Diancie can calm down Yveltal. I smiled and we all finished.

"There we go." I said and they nodded. Vee smiled and nudged me. I laughed and smiled. "Yes, we do need sleep. Come on Diancie." She nodded and smiled. I put the blankets over everyone again before going under mine and sleeping.

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