45- Forgiveness

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We left and we were silent as I kept the key just in case. I had the Poképuff I made personally for Bounsweet in my pocket while N carried the other Poképuffs.

We met at the school and I saw Mallow with a slight smirk. It quickly left when N looked at her. He was hesitant and we set our bags down while we waited. N put the Poképuffs back in my bag. We waited and let our Pokémon talk while I just stared down.

We went with our partner and Kiawe spoke when we were having lunch.

"Hey, what happened yesterday? You seemed pretty upset." I sighed and nodded. "Yeah... it's nothing important though." "You sure? You left pretty sad." I smiled and nodded. "Yeah... besides, you wouldn't believe me. Seems like you and Mallow are good friends." He was confused and spoke.

"Mallow? What happened between you two?" I sighed and smiled. "I just sound controlling if I do say it. So I'd rather now say anything. Besides, I think it's just jealousy." He stared and kept asking me. I sighed and agreed to tell him at the daycare.

"The reason I didn't give Mallow a Poképuff yesterday was because they were call covered in spices due to Bounsweet getting them there... it's why Vee threw her." She purred and I pat her head.

"If it happens again, just pick her up and hold her, okay? But only if you're positive they're trying to do it again." She nodded and smiled. She purred and we did the work as Kiawe just doubted what I said.

"As I said, I didn't think you'd believe me." He nodded and we quickly finished. I waved to them and they waved back a bit. I smiled as we flew back to the school. N was worried and quickly got to me. He grabbed my hand and led me away. He made sure we were alone and started crying a bit.

"I'm sorry (Y/n). I should've believed you now that I think about it!" I was confused and he sighed.

"Before we returned, she forced me into a kiss. I'm sorry! Please forgive me!" He cried and hugged me. I was surprised as I was being squeezed before smiling. "It's okay N. I should've tried to explain more." He just cried and held me. I pet his hair and Vee purred.

"What did she say to you earlier?" "She asked why you made me cook then told me that she'd happily cook for me anytime. And whenever I mentioned you... she just changed the topic to just us." I smiled and kissed him a bit. He quickly kissed back and spoke.

"Please forgive me! What do I have to do?" I smiled and hugged him. "It's okay N.... I do forgive you." He nodded and smiled as he tightly held me. "I hope so... I'm sorry..." I smiled and hugged him. He backed up and tilted my chin up.

We stared at each other and he smiled. "Can we... not fight like that again? I didn't like it." I nodded and smiled. "I'd like that. Since I didn't like fighting either. Can I... come back to the room?" "Yes! Please do. It felt lonely without you there!" I smiled and nodded. I held his hand and we returned. Vee smiled as she saw us and I pet her.

"We're done fighting." She purred and nodded. We smiled and Mallow smiled too. She was annoyed and stared when she saw us walk in together, holding hands.

Mallow soon smiled as she came to me.

"Hey, I know this doesn't seem like the right time, but do you have the Poképuff?" "Yeah, I do." I said and N went to my bag and gave me the basket. However, I got the Poképuff out of my pocket and N was confused while he stared at the basket.

"Strange... I'm positive it was closed." He mumbled and I spoke. "Here's the Poképuff." I got it out of my pocket and she was surprised. I looked and spoke. "What? Were you expecting me to make the same mistake as yesterday?" I opened the box and they saw it covered in spices and Bounsweet stuck inside.

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