43- Assignment

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"(Y/n)! N!" Lunar cheered and we waved. "Hey! Have you been waiting?" I asked and they shook their heads.

"Nope! We actually wanted to bring you to a place! Oh, and did someone named Mohn call you both?" "Actually, yes. Why?" They smiled and spoke. "What he's trying is actually amazing! And we've tested what he wants already, he just wants to help trainers." We were confused and Sol smiled.

"He's made whats called the Poké Pelago. It's an archipelago and he's got so many Pokébeans growing as he calls them, that he wants to let trainers try to have their Pokémon that they'd put in a pc on those islands. He'd also give the beans to us that grows there." We nodded and smiled.

"It sounds good... and you three trust him..." I mumbled and they nodded. N smiled and spoke. "We can try it if you want." He smiled and I nodded.

"I'd like that. Let's tell him later. But for now, trials!" Lunar smiled and spoke. "Actually, the trial leaders are in that school over there." I was confused and we looked at where she pointed. I smiled and Hau spoke.

"Yeah, they aren't confident in their abilities to be trial leaders and wanted to wait for you two so that we could get the trials done quickly." "Ah, okay. Sorry we made you wait so long." "No problem! We've been training while we waited!" I smiled and nodded. N smiled too and we got to the school.

"Excuse me! Professor Kukui?" Kukui looked and he smiled.

"Alola! Good to see you both here too!" I smiled and nodded. "Yep. Finally was able to do what I wanted. And had to force N to do what he wanted to." He laughed a bit and smiled. I sighed and smiled too.

"So... what's going on here?" "Well, these kids are trial leaders, besides one, she's a trainer." We nodded and they sighed.

"We're not confident to be good trial leaders." The blue haired girl sighed and Professor Kukui smiled. "Which is exactly why you're here! You're all nervous about the same thing, the trials and trainers!" We were confused and Hau smiled.

"I get it! You want us to help?" "With them being uncomfortable around trainers, yes. There's five kids here, so you each can spend time with one of them and get them used to. I've been helping them to make their trials easy to understand! Lillie just needs comfort to be around Pokémon and other trainers." We nodded and he smiled.

"I've already got pairs for everyone, so I hope you don't mind." We shook our heads and N smiled. We were paired and N was put with the grass trial leader, I was put with the fire trial leader, Lunar was put with the water trial leader, Sol put with the electric trial leader, and Hau with the girl.

I smiled and he spoke. "Please, introduce yourself to your partner." We smiled and I spoke.

"My name is (Y/n). This is Vee." She purred and he smiled a bit. "I'm Kiawe... I have my trial finished... just can't talk to trainers normally..." He nodded and Professor Kukui smiled. "I think everyone needs a week... so we'll try that. Everyday, around this time if you can, we'll gather here, have everyone spend about... 5-6 hours with your partner. You can do whatever you need as long as you're both okay with it. I'm hoping this gets you ready for the trials and get the leaders ready to have their trials." I nodded and smiled.

N kissed my cheek before we left and I smiled.

"Be safe N." "You too." He smiled before we left. I looked at Kiawe and smiled.

"So, what will we be doing?" He thought and sighed. "Can you help me on the ranch? I need to help my family there." "Oh! I'd love to! I'm sure there's new Pokémon I can research there too!" He nodded and got on a Charizard while I got on Xerneas's back. He was surprised and I was confused.

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