47- Islands

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Supposedly by fuckyeahferrishwheelshipping on tumblr. If it isn't, please correct me.

N smiled and he gently kissed me. I was surprised and he backed up before I could kiss back. He smiled and spoke.

"(Y/n), I just remembered that we never called that guy back." "Hm? What's guy?" "The one offering us islands to use or something." I thought before remembering.

"Oh shoot! That's right! Rotom! Can you call him?" He did so and it took Mohn a minute before he picked up.

"Hello! How can I help you?"
"I'm so sorry we didn't call back sooner... we did ask our friends about your islands and, if it isn't too late, do you think we could still help with what you're trying?" He smiled and nodded.
"Of course! And it's not too late. I'll send a Charizard over to Akala Island around noon tomorrow to pick you both up and bring you here. Is that okay?"
"Of course. Where should we wait for Charizard?"
"Hmm... Just the docks should be fine." We nodded and he smiled.
"Charizard can only fit one person, but the other can follow on a flying Pokémon." We nodded and smiled. After that, we hung up.

I smiled as I cuddled with N. He blushed but held me.

"I-I... um... (Y-Y/n)..." "I'm comfortable... please?" He stared at me while I stared a bit up at him. He blushed and sighed. "Cute... Okay. If you're comfortable. But... I need to make dinner soon." "Yes! But later." He nodded and smiled. He set a timer to go off in a couple hours. We cuddled and he smiled.

We didn't fall asleep but did cuddle for the time. He sighed and smiled. I smiled too and gently kissed him. He blushed but smiled. We cuddled until the timer went off. I was surprised and got off him.

"Alright, time for dinner." He nodded and I got up. "Hm? What are you doing?" "I'm learning to cook. That's what." He blushed and sighed. "If you say so..." I nodded and he smiled. He gently kissed me and I was happy. I smiled too and he told me what to get. I watched as he cooked it and told me the instructions but cooked it himself. He was happy and I held him after we finished dinner. He blushed and sighed. He smiled and pet my hair while staring down at me.

"(Y/n)..." "I love you N! And your food is so good!" I cheered and he smiled. He hugged me tightly and smiled. We laid down and cuddled. I smiled and he blushed but was happy as we held onto each other. We stayed like this and I cuddled in his arms.

He smiled and just stared at me.

"(Y/n)... thank you... I'm so glad you don't hate me." "Hm? What are you talking about?" "The previous situation with Mallow... I'm so glad you don't hate me for that." I sighed and got over him.

"Forget it happened N. I've already told you that I forgive you." He blushed and stared up at me. "(Y/n)?" I smiled and l stared down at him. I kissed him and he blushed. He did kiss back and I backed up soon. He stared and I spoke.

"I've already told you that I forgive you. Forget about that happening, okay?" He blushed and nodded. "I-If you say so... I just-" I stared and he blushed. He noticed me staring at him and stayed silent. I pat his head and smiled.

"N, please. I don't want you to keep remembering it since it makes you feel bad, and I don't want to remember it either since it does upset me too, okay?" He stared before nodding. "Okay. If you say so. Yeah, I don't like seeing you sad so... I can try forgetting it." I smiled and laid down. I hugged him and nodded.

"I'm glad! Thank you N!" He nodded and smiled. We gently kissed. I smiled and we cuddled before sleeping like this. He was happy too, embarrassed that I was on top of him, but happy.

I woke up in the middle of the night and I groaned. N was up too and he scratched his neck. He yawned and just had some water. He heard me and smiled when he saw me sit up.

Forbidden (N Harmonia x Reader) (Discontinued until further notice)Where stories live. Discover now