38- Ilima

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We battled and I won when in the final round when it was me against Lunar. Rockruff didn't listen to me so I didn't want him to fight. I sighed and while I had the disadvantage, her Pikipeck was nervous with the smoke shield and I smiled.

"Let's end this! Aqua Jet!" She enveloped in water and while the dust cleared, Pikipeck couldn't find her and she hit her before landing in front of me. I smiled and nodded.

"Great job Popplio!" She smiled and jumped in my arms. Lunar smiled and pet Pikipeck a bit. "It's okay. You did good, now, take a nice rest." I smiled and Popplio smiled.

Rockruff stared from next to N and Vee. N wanted to have Yungoos trust him, so he was out of his Pokéball as he watch. I smiled and Lunar smiled. "That was amazing! How did Popplio learn it? She was fighting Sol when she learned it!" "Well, the more opponents Pokémon beat, the more moves they can learn." I smiled and she smiled. She nodded and held her Popplio.

"Someday, we'll be better than her and her Popplio!" She cheered and I laughed.

I soon felt like I was being watched in secret and turned. I looked around and I was confused as N smiled. He came next to me and smiled. "Congratulations (Y/n). You did great. But... what's making you uncomfortable?" Vee felt it too and searched before she tensed and growled up in the air.

"Hey, calm down Vee. Is it another person?" She shook her head and a Pokémon flew down and called.

"Ko- Koko!" I looked up and it stared at me. I was confused and tensed while the islanders stared. N stared and he soon was surprised.

"She's... interesting..?" N asked and it nodded before stealing my hat. "Hey!" I whined and Kahuna Hala soon laughed. "That's amazing! You interest Tapu Koko!" I looked and I was confused.

"What does that mean?" "Tapu Koko is the protector of Melemele Island! He appears to those he takes interest in." I nodded and he returned. He was handing me something along with my hat. I was confused and put my hat back on and spoke.

"Do you... want me to take it?" He nodded and I was nervous but took it. After that, he called out again before disappearing into the night sky. I was confused and Hala spoke.

"Can I see what Tapu Koko gave you? I won't take it." "Yeah sure. I have no idea what this is so... go ahead." He nodded and checked before being surprised. "Two Z-rings..." I was confused and he smiled. "This lets you use Z-moves assuming you have deserved getting them." "Oh really? That's strange... why would Tapu Koko give these to me?" Kukui smiled and spoke. "Looks like he wants you and N to get Z-moves, yeah." I looked before looking at N.

"Does that sound good?" He was surprised before smiling. "Yeah, it does. I'll have to think him someday." I smiled and we wore them. Hala nodded and we smiled. People congratulated us and we smiled before getting a room at the Pokémon Center. Instead of going upstairs, Nurse Joy brought us to the back and showed us the room.

"Sleep well." "Thank you Nurse Joy. Goodnight." "Goodnight." She smiled and we had to share the bed. I was surprised and we both blushed. I looked at N and he soon blushed more.

"Sh-Shut up Zoroark!" I looked and he sighed. "He just... reminded me of when we cuddled in a bed once..." I sighed and nodded. "That's right... if you're okay with it, I don't mind it." I told him and he looked at me.

"Are you sure? I don't want you uncomfortable..." I smiled and gently kissed him. "It's fine with me. Besides, it's my fault for not specifying that we wanted two beds..." I sighed and he stared. He nodded and mumbled. "I... do like holding you..." He mumbled and I smiled. "So we should keep having a single bed?" He blushed and nodded.

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