30- Problem

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If anyone knows the artist, I'd love to credit them but for now, this lovely piece of art is just like all the others, not mine. Also sorry it's blurry, best picture I could find.

"What's on her horn?" I looked and smiled.

"Oh right. In Kalos, there's this thing called Mega Evolution. For a limited time, they change forms to what seems like they evolve with the help of a certain stone and this stone." I showed her the key stone. She smiled and nodded.

"Unfortunately, I don't think Gothitelle can mega evolve... but Gardevoir and Gallade can." She nodded and smiled. "I see. Well, it's fine. I just want to have Gardevoir learn Moonblast to protect everyone." I smiled and nodded.

"I know. I wish I knew about you both before I left Kalos. There's a couple sweet Pokémon who just love to help people like you both." She smiled and spoke. "Oh, it's fine. That's so nice to think, but it's fine. Besides, I know there's so many regions. Before and after Unova. While I don't know of any places after Unova, safe for Kalos now." I smiled and nodded.

"Still... Gogoat and Slurpuff probably would've been amazing friends with you both. Gogoat are believed to be the first Pokémon to get along with humans and their horns lets them sense the emotions and wants of a person. And Slurpuff commonly love cooking. Of course, their favorite thing is sweets, but that doesn't change that." She smiled and nodded. "I see. Well-" We were cut off when I was called. Gardevoir and Vee looked over before Vee smiled.

I saw that Zaria was calling me and I was confused. Concordia seemed nervous and I spoke.

"You can stay if you'd like. The conversation shouldn't be anything bad." She nodded and I picked up.

"Hey Zaria, is something wrong?" She smiled and held up Axew.
"Not really! I just wanted to say that this little cutie is so helpful here!" Axew smiled when he saw me and I smiled too.
"It's great to see you again Axew. I told you that you'd be good friends with her. And I'm glad that he is."

I smiled and Vee jumped into frame, slightly knocking Concordia in frame as she was smiling and feeding Gardevoir. Gardevoir was drinking water and was nervous when she was knocked.

"Huh? Who's that?" Zaria asked and I smiled.
"She's one of N's sisters. But are you okay Concordia?" She nodded and smiled. "I'm fine. Thank you." I nodded and she sighed.
"I hoped to stay out of your conversation... but my name is Concordia. As (Y/n) said, I am one of N's sisters."
"Wow! You're really pretty. Guess it runs in the family." Concordia was confused and spoke.
"Excuse me, but may I know what you mean by that?"
"Huh? Oh, well, your brother is cute, and so are you. That's what I meant."
"Oh! Well, thank you. You are quite pretty too." She smiled and nodded.

"Hey Zaria! I got those berries you asked for!" "And I got the Pokémon food!" I smiled as I heard the other two.

"Hinami! Izumi!" I cheered and they ran to the place.

"(Y/n)! Oh, and a pretty lady!" Concordia blushed a bit and spoke.
"You're all quite sweet. Thank you. You're all very beautiful too." She smiled nervously and I smiled. Gardevoir was confused and looked at the screen.
"Oh, a Gardevoir too. Hello!" She was confused and waved. I smiled and spoke.
"So, why did you call me Zaria? That's not normal."
"Hey! I was making sure you were okay! And to let you see your other Pokémon."
"Oh! Please! I want to see them." She smiled and called them over. Vee was excited and I smiled. Concordia watched and smiled.

Zaria called the others and I smiled. They were happy when they saw me and I smiled.

"Hello you all! I miss you all!" They smiled and crowded the camera. I laughed and smiled. I greeted them all and smiled.

Forbidden (N Harmonia x Reader) (Discontinued until further notice)Where stories live. Discover now