21- Castelia

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I was surprised and dropped the egg. I jumped and saw the egg along with another on the ground.

"Ah! My egg!" A guy and I called. N panicked and we both reached towards an egg in an incubator. We both jumped and looked at each other.

"S-Sorry, but I think this is my egg..." I mumbled and N had Zoroark hold his egg. I stared and Vee looked. She struggled and N spoke.

"H-How about we open the container and check?" The guy was panicked and spoke.

"Are you both getting on that boat?" "Um, yes, why?" I asked and he spoke. "I want to give my girlfriend an egg for our 3 year anniversary. Can we check on the boat?" I looked at N and he was a bit suspicious but nodded.

"Alright then. We should get on board quickly if we want to leave." I nodded and the guy got on first while Vee held the two eggs we were uncertain about. We sighed and sat on the deck.

"Alright, open it and check." Vee listened to them before she purred. She smiled and handed the egg to me. I sighed in relief and held it.

"So this is our egg Vee?" She nodded and Snivy checked just to be safe. She nodded and Vee handed the other egg to the guy. He sighed in relief and smiled.

"Thank you. I really want her to be happy with this. Just sucks that we have the same eggs." I nodded and smiled.

"It's fine. It's solved." He nodded and spoke.

"Well, I should get to my room and rest. Goodbye Miss." I smiled and waved. I smiled to N and spoke. "We should relax too. Our stop is half an hour away." He nodded and I smiled. I held my egg close to me and he smiled. We sat on our beds and I held mine tightly. Vee purred and cuddled with it too. I smiled and so did N. A few stops were before ours and I smiled.

"Oh right, if it's still available, I want to get you a Castelia Cone." "Hm? What's that?" "It's a regional treat sold in this city. It's often sold out so... we'll need to hurry to get it." I smiled and nodded.

"Are you sure that you'll pay for it?" He nodded and I nodded a bit too. "If you're sure..." "Don't worry. You and your friends paid for so much while I was with you all. It's the least I can do." I stared before nodding. "A-Alright..." He nodded and smiled.

We took care of our eggs and soon heard one of them crack.

I was surprised and N checked his first before he smiled.

"Ah, it's your egg." He pointed to the one Vee was previously holding. She looked and I smiled. I took the egg as it cracked and I was gentle while taking it out of the incubator.

N smiled and spoke.

"I hope it's a Pokémon you'll be great friends with." "Yeah, me too." I smiled and he nodded. I held the egg and a Pokémon soon popped out of it.

I stared and soon smiled at the small spike that came out of it. N was surprised and I smiled to the Pokémon. It rolled out of the egg and in my lap, still with its eyes closed for a short time. I smiled and laughed.

"Are you okay?" I asked and smiled. The Pokémon looked up at me and I smiled.

"Hi there. I'm (Y/n)." It stared at me and I smiled. N stared and he smiled.

"Isn't your friend's birthday coming up? And Iris suggested an Axew for her." I smiled and nodded.

"That's true..." Axew looked between us and I smiled.

"How'd you like to go to my friend Axew? She's a wonderful person and I know that she'll take good care of you." He smiled and nodded. I smiled too and pat his head. He smiled and Vee purred. I gently put him in a Luxury Ball.

Forbidden (N Harmonia x Reader) (Discontinued until further notice)Where stories live. Discover now