Melissa POV
I wake up back in the hospital room I started out in the first place. I watch the heart monitor, as it steadily beats. My phone buzzed. I got a text message saying that My mom was out getting me lunch from the cafeteria incase I woke up. Well, great news. I woke up.
I feel like watching tv since I'm really bored, and I really need to get my mind off of things. My stomach feels really tight, from worrying about Ellie. How long does it take to finish the friggin surgery? I get up and walk over to the couch where all of my belongings are stored, and my mom sleeps at night. I tell her to go home, but she never listens. I garb the iPad and I turn around.
"Shouldn't you be in bed?" says the Australian doctor, startling me. I jump and I grab my chest.
"You scared me you -"
"Now now let's not get testy." I roll my eyes. Who says testy? I sit on my bed and recline it upwards.
"I've come to give you your lunch."
"Thanks." I say as I turn on the iPad, avoiding eye contact.
"But my mom is getting me lunch." I add.
God this doctor is attractive but he is so annoying. He will not leave me alone.
"It's chicken noodle soup, oyster crackers, and a soda. Just like your mother told me. She had to go home and pick up some things, so she gave me a list of food to get you. Now eat." He says as he places the tray on my table that hovers above the bed. I continue watching How I Met Your Mother. All of a sudden I feel something crawl up my leg. Then another and another. I start screaming and shaking all over. The nurse comes speeding in the room, with three doctor. the crawling sensation increases. The nurse comes in and drags the table away. I whip off the covers and I see dozens of centipedes crawling all over my legs. The doctors and the nurse look at me puzzled. I yell.
"DONT YOU SEE? THE BUGS ALL OVER MY LEGS?" I keep yelling and trying to shake the bugs off. I see the nurse grab a syringe and needle. she filled it with some kind of clear liquid. Probably a sedative.Tears run down my eyes. I sob hard, as the doctor stabs me in the back with the needle. I gasp for air and fall back. My vision slowly fades.
I saw it coming.
Ellie POV
I jolt awake to the sound of my mom softly singing Gone Gone Gone by Philip Philips as she sews something. I recognize this place. It's the ICU. It gets easy to recognize when you have cancer. I fall back and breath hard, as I try to remember what happened and why I'm in the intensive care unit, my mom speaks up.
"You had a liver transplant." she says it as if she read my mind. I swear that woman has telepathic skills.
"I was your donor. Want to watch some tv?" that woman is so strange. She puts crazy things in the middle of bad news. Your goldfish died, want some crackers? or your teacher called said you are failing algebra, I made you a smoothie. Its what a kid is supposed to do to change the subject when ur in trouble, but it's kind of a cancer thing. Her grief is getting the best of her.
"My donor?" i manage to mumble. "Why aren't you in a hospital room then?"
She points to her cannula and IV drip. Ohhhh. The doctors let her come because I would be waking up. How long was I asleep anyway?
"Are my eyes still yellow?" I ask. I know its a liver thing to have yellow eyes and it wont last forever, but ever since the night I woke up from the car crash, and I got diagnosed with liver failure, I have been absolutely terrified to look in the mirror. I feel like I look like some kind of possessed teen in one of those horror movies people like to watch. Me? I just like watching House. Speaking of which, I ask my mom for the iPad, and of course I get it. I open the screen and press on the seventh episode of season 4. As I am 6 minutes and 3 seconds in, Dylan bursts through the door in a blue scrub and mask. The doctors probably made him wear it.
"Iths mefitha" he says really muffled from the mask. I pause House.
"Ugh" he says ripping the mask off of his face.
"It's Melissa! She woke up from a sedative, long story, and then had some hallucination. The doctors put her in an MRI and are studying her results!"
"How long have I been asleep?" I ask really interested because it seems to me I missed a lot.
"That dosen't matter. Melissa might have a brain tumor."
I sit up and start to take out my cannula and other wires,but my mom quickly stops me.
"I know Melissa isn't in good condition but neither are you young lady. You just woke up from major surgery. It is extremely dangerous to be walking around."
"Mom! You have to be selfless to Melissa you know! She's like a sister I never had! she was always with me during treatment, and now it's time for me to be there for her." I start unplugging the other wires, SAT monitor, IV drip, and I have not an idea in my head what the other ones are.
My mom starts to get up and yell for the nurse, as I stand up. I know I shouldn't and it's practically physically impossible, but I need too. I take a few wobbly steps, unsure if I will need too. Dylan is right by my side, holding my shoulder.

Shine bright
Fiksi RemajaHaving cancer for four years starts to feel like your whole life. Suddenly you can't remember the last time you felt moment of happiness. Ellie is one of those people who can't see the light side of everything. She's always gloomy but she's brave. S...