Ellie POV
I didn't know what to feel when the doctor told me that I am being released.
I emerge out of the hospital quietly with my mother pushing me in a wheel chair, and Melissa by my side. I was too weak to walk. Treatment wouldn't work so I'm going home. Although it's hopeless, the doctor said to take me straight to the ER if there were any problems. I still can't understand why I'm getting sent home.
An hour later I end up in front of my house. The house I haven't seen in such a long time.
I almost started to feel like a stranger to this household.
I won't be surprised if I don't recognize my own home.
I determined that when I entered my house. I wanted to just stand up, and run around the whole house, like I did when I was a kid. Unfortunately that would never happen.
Melissa took me to my room, which was situated on the first floor.
"No. I want to go to the living room." I declared.
"You need rest. Your mom told me to specifically take you to your room."
"Oh yeah well where is she right now?"
"In the kitchen cooking a meal for you. So rest while you can."
"Fine. Can I watch tv?"
"Sure. Make sure you get some sleep though." She put a cashmere blanket on me, and handed me my iPad.
I started to watch some Gossip Girl, and Revenge. An hour or two later, I dozed off into a deep sleep.
I awoke to Melissa shaking me.
"Wake up It's time for dinner."
I got up, and wearily slid into my wheel chair, dragging my brand new oxygen tank with me.
(A/N: Again. Not The Fault In Our Stars.)
I find a seat on the kitchen island.
"How are you feeling?" My mom says, taking a plate and serving my dinner on it. I look at it. A serving of mashed potatoes, chicken, and some vegetables on the side. I hate vegetables, but I guess I will choke them down tonight.
"I feel fine." I blatantly lied.
I felt awful. My joints ached, I kept coughing, and I was tired beyond comprehension.
I ate my dinner with Melissa and my mom, and went back to bed.
(A/N: 🎶go back to bed and make yourself comfortable🎶😜)
I switched off the light and drifted off to sleep.
Melissa POV
I slept in the guest room. Well I wouldn't call it sleeping. I stayed up all night in case Ellie had an emergency. I was watching Teen Wolf, and The Walking Dead all night. With a little bit of The Secret Circle here and there.
At five in the morning, I ate waffles with a side of bacon, because why not?
I made myself coffee with the one of the dozens of Starbucks mixes in the pantry. Ellie's mom was obsessed with Starbucks. I watched tv in the living room, until Ellie woke up.
I go over to her room and check up in her. Of course she is watching television.
I get her multiple prescribed medications from the cabinet and give her the amount of dosage she needs.
"You know, Jackson's coming over today?" I say.
"No I did not know that. When?"
"Somewhere around two-thirty."
"Okay. Now let me watch my show in peace."
"Fine." I leave the room.
Ellie POV
A tub of ice cream and a horrible cup if tea later I hear the doorbell ring.
I expect it to be Jackson but it's only noon. Dylan is at the door. I peek around the corner of my room in order to see the doorway. Melissa walks up to the door. Just as soon as she opens it, she slams it shut.
She heads over to my room. Since I can barely walk, I miserably fail at not getting caught eavesdropping on Melissa.In two hours time the doorbell rings. This time I know for sure that Jackson is here.
I lay in my bed knowing that he will come to my room.
Soon enough he walks into my room.
"How are you?" Always the same question
but i always give the same answer, which always turns out to be the same lie.
"I'm fine" I simply say.
"Good to know." He sits on my bed.
We spent a whoke hour talking and it ended with an awkward silence.
"I don't want to die." I say tearing up. My voice cracks.
Jackson pulls me into a hug.
"I know princess I know. I don't want you to die either." (A/N: haha no shit😜)
"The one time I fall in love and it has to end."
He is silent for a moment, and then says,
"That's the thing about love. It's quite strange. It's such a frigile thing, yet It's unbreakable."
"What are you trying to say?"
I didn't need an answer. He pulled me into another hug.A/N
Sorry for the crappy filler, but I hope you liked it. I'm trying to update more often.
I know I haven't ever been up to date on ny schedule and all, but yay for snow days! I'm going to try to update two chapters tomorrow. If not it will definitley be one. Thanks so much for 800 reads!! I love you guys! Thanks for reading my story and voting.
Remember to vote, comment and follow.
I will be updating a prologue. DO NOT READ IT.
<3 αυтнσя

Shine bright
Teen FictionHaving cancer for four years starts to feel like your whole life. Suddenly you can't remember the last time you felt moment of happiness. Ellie is one of those people who can't see the light side of everything. She's always gloomy but she's brave. S...