Melissa POV
I had no words. I mean I knew she had relapsed but the doctors said that it wasn't that much. I was trying to process it all but it was to hard for me.
I looked over at Ellie to see how she was coping with the chemo and she was playing some pointless game where you try to balance a circle on a line.
I grab the phone from her hands.
"Hey! I was just about to beat my high score!"
"Do something useful will you? Not this circle game."
"Fine." she took out her computer and decided to do some of her online school work. I decided to sit down in an empty chair by her in case she needed any help. As soon as I saw that she was doing fine, I took out the phone and started playing.
The game was actually really addictive.
"Okay your chemo session is done." Says a nurse sitting Ellie into a wheel chair. She looked awful. She had a bucket in her lap just in case she needed to throw up which she did multiple times.
"I'll go to the cafeteria and get some food for you okay?" I told Ellie as the nurse began to wheel her away.
"Okay." she said weakly.
I walked in the opposite direction thinking, how could she possibly get so ill in just two hours of chemo?I paid at the cash register and made my way to Ellie's room. Just as I was about to open the door I peered in the window and saw Ellie in her bed. Another person was in the room. But I couldn't make out who it was. I tried to take a closer look but the task of being inconspicuous and eavesdropping was challenging. As I looked I saw that the person was Jackson.
JACKSON? Almost dropped the tray of food, but I caught myself before I could loose all control. I didn't know whether to be angry or just fine with it. I saw Ellie start to cry and hug Jackson. I decided that I would open the door. I walked in quietly, and Ellie pulled away.
"Jackson! Nice to see you!" I said reluctantly.
I plastered a fake smile on my face and gave him a hug. I looked at Ellie and mouthed at her: "What the hell is he doing here?"
"I don't know but I'm so glad he's here it makes me feel better." She mouths back.
I'm sure it does I thought to myself.
Ellie wipes away the tears that are smeared all over her face. I hated seeing her this way. I put the tray on her table by her bed and she sat up and started eating her soup. I sat down on the couch and took out my sandwich and book. I rested my feet on the ground and started reading.As I was sinking into my book, I heard a repetitive loud beeping. It got really annoying. I looked up and saw that it was Ellie's heart monitor. Her heart beat was rapidly dropping. I yelled for a nurse. A group of doctors and nurses came running in. Doctors were barking out orders and a nurse escorted me out of the room. Well i guess you could call it escorted. More like pushing. Wheres Jackson? Why that little son of a-
"What happened?" Said Ellie's mother all of a sudden. I turned around tears streaming down my face, leaving sticky trails behind.
"I-I-I don't know I was just reading and an alarm went off and then all of these doctors came rushing in and-" but Ellie's mother wasn't paying attention anymore her eyes were glued to the window. A doctor came over and pulled down the blinds. Who knew hospital rooms had blinds?
Jackson stumbled up to us almost crashing into me.
"What the hell happened?"
"Oh so now you come." I say really irritated.
"What's your problem? I was getting something for Ellie."
"You. You're my problem. I'm sorry but I'm done acting all sweet around you." He had puzzled look on his face.
"What do you mean?"
"Look don't get me wrong, you're a nice guy, but that trip to New York was meant for me and Ellie. I stayed alone in my hotel room for three freaking days while you and Ellie were going on romantic dates, and sleeping around!"
I felt my face turn hot. I took a deep breath and tried to calm down but I couldn't. A tornado of emotions whirls around in my head as Jackson defends himself about how him and Ellie weren't "sleeping around.
I finally got tired of it and held up my hand to his face.
"Oh save it. You and I both know that you were. So why don't you get over yourself and stop making this situation worse than it already is!" I turned around and walked away infuriated. I tried to make it show but I realized it wouldn't make an impact on Jackson feeling sorry for himself.A/N
Ugh this book is getting worse isn't it?Should I delete? Please read.
But the good news is that I got 500 reads!
Thanks guys!
I want to acknowledge AmberRose174
Just because shes awesome. And she frequently comments and votes.Remember to keep telling your friends to read. I don't sound desperate do I?
Oh well remember to press the star below!
Keep calm and read on.
Once again thanks for 500 reads!
Author <3

Shine bright
Teen FictionHaving cancer for four years starts to feel like your whole life. Suddenly you can't remember the last time you felt moment of happiness. Ellie is one of those people who can't see the light side of everything. She's always gloomy but she's brave. S...