Ellie POV
I open my eyes, and the first thing I do is grab my phone off the nightstand. I turn it on and see three notifications from Jackson.At Starbucks
Melissa is here with me
She says I'm not allowed to ask you, but wanna go out again tonight?
I text him back, but this time I am subtle.Sure. Where?
He replies almost immediately:
Central Park. Sunset.
My heart almost stopped. I can't go on a romantic walk with him. My lungs won't be able to stand the pressure. How do I tell him? Just then I remembered my mom telling me how her and my dad went on a romantic carriage ride at sunset when they were dating.
I start texting him back, trying not to be conspicuous.Hurt my ankle, carriage ride?
Sure. Hope your ankle feels better. See you later. :)
I squeal. I sit up and touch my feet to the delicate carpet. I walk to the bathroom, and take a quick shower, as I switch on Habits by Tov Lo.
I sing along, with the chorus.
The soap that I am rinsing out of my hair, is spilling, over my shoulders, and down my body, making a foam river, spiraling into the drain. I watch, as I pretend I am in a music video.
My damp hair spills out of the sad excuse for a twisted towel on my head. (A towel you drape over your head looking like a turban, to dry your hair.)
I am watching House, trying to master the art of toweling, when Melissa comes in and sits next to me on the couch.
"We have to go, in five minutes." Said Melissa.
"What? I'm still in my pajamas."
"Well then you better get better quick cuz we are going soon. We can't be late."
"Where are we going?"
"The Statue of Liberty."
I rush into my room. I always wanted to see the Statue of Liberty. I take out a yellow tank top, red shorts, yellow sandals, and a red clutch. Yes. You can see the pattern.
I slip into my sandals, and slide my phone and wallet into my purse. Melissa is waiting by the doorway. I motion for her to open the door, and grab the room key off the shelf.
I stare out the window of the taxi. We had a long way to go, just to get on the boat.
I take out my phone to see if I had any missed notifications. None. Except for 17 likes on my picture of me and Jackson at Little Italy. I scroll through Facebook
For a while until the bumpy ride comes to a stop. I open the door and climb out. Melissa emerged from the taxi as well and we slammed our doors shut at the same time.
"Which way do we go?" I ask.
She walks across the street, and I follow. Soon enough, we are standing in front of a ticket collecting booth.
"We forgot to buy tickets." I whispered.
"Don't worry, I bought some earlier."
"Thank God."
She hands the tickets to a lady with a fatigued looking lady.
She scans them and rips a bar code off.
"Have a nice day." She says in a quite monotone voice.
I turn around, and start walking.
"So..." I clear my throat.
"Well the thing is that Jackson asked me-" I hesitate.
"He did not ask you out." she said with disbelief.
"I stold him I was taking you to the metropolitan museum at 7:00. When did he ask you?"
I look at my feet like a child when my parents are disappointed. We stop, right about to cross the street.
"Well?" I could feel her eyes burning holes into my back.
"7:00" I mumble as soft as I can.
"I can't believe this I specifically told him not to-"
"Woah woah woah wait. You told him not to ask me? this is my boyfriend, you have no control over where I go and when."
"See that's the thing! I came here to have girl time with you, and you are with Jackson 24/7. Who's the one who's been friends with you since the fourth grade? The person constantly by you side while you were in-"
"That's not the point!" I yell. People are turn heads. Before I loose myself anymore in this spiral of embarrassment, I turn around and walk in the other direction, and I called a taxi.

Shine bright
Teen FictionHaving cancer for four years starts to feel like your whole life. Suddenly you can't remember the last time you felt moment of happiness. Ellie is one of those people who can't see the light side of everything. She's always gloomy but she's brave. S...