Chapter 14

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He sits by me on the couch. It's kind of awkward and I just want to punch him. "We should probably talk...." He trails off. "Sure." I say back quietly not looking at him. "Listen... I know you saw me kissing another girl... it meant nothing I swear Karrisa. And I know I flipped out on you but that was because I've never really told anyone about my secret... and then you started ignoring me and I have no idea why." He says back very serious and hurt. "M-Matthew I'm sorry... I only didn't want to talk to you because... I just don't want to get hurt again. I just can't get hurt again and I just can't trust... guys I guess." I reply very hurt. He looks down at his hands. "I would never hurt you." He says to me and my heart turns. "I know but... I don't know..." I trail off.

"Karrisa... I want to be friends ok? Get close because you're the only person I can possibly let in." He tells me. "Me too." I reply. He hugs me and I hug back instantly. It feels good to be in his arms. I love that feeling. We pull away. "Matthew... why were you kissing that girl?" I ask curious. "It was just a stupid dare from truth or dare." He says. "Oh ok." I reply. "So..." He says and we both smile. "So..." I mimic him.

"Um..." But that's when he's cut off by his phone buzzing. "Um... I guess we are going to the movies to see Annabel." He says and I laugh. "What so funny that's supposed to be freaking scary." He says and we both laugh. "I love scary movies!" I reply. We get up and walk out and down in the lobby. I refuse to look at any body but Matthew. We get in the limo and I'm squished up against Matthew because I don't want to have any contact with anyone else.

We get to the theaters and walk in. Everyone else is scared but me. We get in and me and Matthew sit by each other. We sit down and it begins.

In the middle of the movie I'm reaching for popcorn when all of a sudden Matthew grabs my hand and holds it. It was so nice to have him hold my hand. He pulls away quickly. "Um sorry." He says quietly. I'm kind of disappointed that he let go. "No it's fine." I say and he grabs my hand again. I look up and see Jack glaring at me and Matthew but just give him a glare back and look away.

The movie gets done and me and Matthew get up with our hands still connected. We all walk out when Taylor yells "BOO" On the top of his lungs making everyone in the theaters jump from fright. We all laugh and get in the limo. We get to the hotel and walk up to our room. Someone knocks on our door. I look at the time and it's 2:00pm. I open the door and it's Shawn. "Hey what's up?" I ask him. Matthew comes and is in the door way too.

"We'll were all going to a carnival tonight if you guys want to come?" Shawn says and we both nod yes. "Of course!" I say happy. I haven't been to a carnival in forever. Shawn leaves and me and Matthew sit back down. "Wanna make a video?" Matthew asks. "Sure." I say. He pulls out his camera and phone and sets it up. "Let's just do a #AskMatt. Ok?" He asks and I nod in reply.

We make the video and yes it was fun. Nothing that special except for the fact that I just starred in Matthew Espinosa's video!

"Want something to eat?" Matthew asks. "Um sure." I say with a smile. He gets up and goes to the kitchen. "Pancakes!?" He asks. "At 3 in the afternoon?!" I ask back. "Heck yeah!" He yells and he start making them. I walk in the kitchen but he's not there. "Matthew?" I call out. No answer. "Matt?" I call again and still no answer. I walk father in and almost die of fright when he jumps up behind me and wraps his arms around me yelling "BOO!"

"You idiot!" I yell at him but he's dying of laughter. I playfully shove his shoulder. He pulls away. "Sorry I had to." He says through laughs. "I almost died of fright!" I say to him. He walks over and flips the pancakes. He's still smirking from laughing. I get a plate out to put the done pancakes on. He flips them and puts them on the plate. I pull my phone out and open vine.

I whisper in the phone so he doesn't hear. "Smack Cam." I whisper and quietly walk over to Matthew. I grab a pancake and smack him in the face. I laugh my butt off. I post the vine but he turns the stove off and chases after me. "Matthew no!" I yell at him. We both are laughing and that's when I jump over the couch. He follows but catches up and grabs me. We fall on the floor and he's tickling me nonstop.

"MATTHEW....STOP.... I.... CANT... BREATHE!" I yell through deep breathes and laughter. "Only if you say I'm the best." "Fine that's easy... you're the best." I say and he stops and helps me up. "Ok now eat your pancakes." He says in a weird voice and we both laugh. He serves is our pancakes and I pour maple syrup on them and eat. We get done and don't know what to do.

"Well... I don't know when the exact time is we are going to the carnival... so do you... would you... um... want to go to the carnival earlier just with me?" He stutters out shyly and it's so cute. "Yeah I'd love to." I reply.

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